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(A/N: Just a disclaimer, B/N or G/N stands for boys name and girls name. HAPPY READING!)

John and I had just gotten out of the forest and reunited with Alex, Herc, and Laff. When Hercules saw me, he ran up to me and hugged me.

"They didn't hurt you, did they Y/n?" he asked, worried.

"No. But you're crushing me." I laughed. Hercules released his hug and Lafayette hugged me gently.

"I'm just glad that you're safe, mon ami." he said. I hugged him back and he smiled at me. Alexander hugged me tightly.

"I swear, I'm not going to let anything like that happen to you again." he whispered. I hugged him back and sighed. I looked around at my friends and smiled.

"Thank you guys for protecting me. I wouldn't be alive if you didn't help me."

"That's our job. To protect you." Hercules said. We got the horses and I rode with John, since my horse was lying dead in the road. (Apologies to you animal lovers)

"Y/n." Hercules said. I looked over at him. "Where do you come from? Since we don't really know a whole lot about you, I feel like we should know." He said. I started to get nervous.

"I-I don't really remember much from before I first ran into you guys. But I remember hitting my head and walking in the street to you guys." I started to yawn when John pulled me close to his chest. I looked up at him curiously.

"Try to sleep, okay? You've had a rough time." he smiled. I nodded and closed my eyes.

"Search the ship!" a voice shouted. My brother pulled me down behind the chest where we were hiding. 

"You have to go!" he said, pushing me to the window.

"No! I'm not leaving!" I shouted, digging my heels into the ground. He turned me around to look at him.

"Swim to land. Find General Washington and tell him, 'The eagle's hatched.' Can I trust you?" he asked. I nodded, beginning to cry. "Hey. Hey. We're going to see each other again. I promise." Just then, the door started to break. He pushed me to the window and out onto the small railing. "On three." he said. I hugged him one last time and looked down into the stormy sea. He aimed his gun at the door. "One...two...three!" I jumped and plummeted. into the freezing water. I struggled to reach the surface, but the waves pushed me down and I hit my head. Then, everything went dark. 

I sat up in the early morning light. I was back in camp. I flew out of the tent and ran to find Washington. I bumped into someone who stopped me by putting their hands on my shoulders. I looked up and saw Alexander.

"Whoa, Y/n. What's the matter?" he asked, worried.

"Where's the general? I need to speak to him immediately." I stated. Alex put his arm around my shoulders. 

"This way." he said. We walked around a corner and arrived at his tent.

"Your Excellency." I said, approaching him. He looked up from the desk and gave a small smile.

"Y/n. It's good to see that you're alright. Alexander told me about your misadventure." I chuckled lightly as this remark. I looked back at Alexander.

"Can I speak with the general privately, Alex?" I asked. He nodded.

"I'll be outside of you need me." he said, walking out.

"What do you need to tell me, Y/n?" the general asked. 

"I remembered my brother wanting me to find you and to say that the eagle's hatched." The general's eyes went wide and he rubbed the back of his neck. "Is everything alright?" I asked.

"Yes! This is perfect!" he exclaimed, hugging me. He started flipping through books with names in them. He pointed to one at the bottom of the page. "Is this your brother?" he asked excitedly. 


"Yes." I replied. "What does, 'the eagle's hatched' mean, sir?" 

"It means you're ready." he said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

(A/N: This chapter is awful and I was a bit rushed. But I hope you like it.) 

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