The Worst That Could Happen

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We were all sitting at a table. I was the only one not drunk. I looked around the table and laughed lightly. Alex and John were pretty tipsy while Hercules and Lafayette were completely, utterly drunk. I heard the bar door open and saw bright crimson coats. My eyes went wide as I grabbed Alexander's arm. 

"Alex, there are British soldiers here!" I whispered. He and I looked over at them and they looked back at us. 

"We have to leave." Alex said, standing me up. Our friends followed our lead and we began to walk towards the door. 

"HEY!" a voice yelled. I turned and saw a British soldier pointing at us. 

"Run!" John yelled and we ran out of the bar. We had taken horses to the bar, so we saddled up when a bullet whizzed past my head. I yelped when I felt the air rush past me. Lafayette, who was helping me on my horse, hit my horse, causing it to run away. I took control of the horse, making it go at full speed. (BTW, the horse is a girl.) 

"Come on girl!" I encouraged, ushering my horse on. I looked back and saw my friends on their own horses, but four others following. 

"Don't look back, Y/n!" Hercules ordered. I whipped my head around quickly and pushed my horse to go faster. 

"You can do it, girl." I encouraged. A deafening gunshot rang out behind me. I looked back and saw my friends horses go out of control and run into the forest next to us. I watched them struggle to get their horses under control. I looked back at the road behind me and saw the British close in. 

"Keep going, Y/n! Don't stop!" Alexander yelled. I faced the front again and signaled my horse to run at full speed. The British were gaining and my horse was going as fast as she could. Suddenly, my horse's front foot got caught in a hole in the road and tripped and fell on top of me. I let out a yell when she landed on top of me. I stretched my neck and saw that her ankle was dislocated and stuck in the hole. We were both stuck. My poor horse was crying out in pain. My body from the hips down were pinned underneath my horse's large, heavy body. 

"Me too, girl." I said to my horse. I heard approaching hooves and my actions were hurried and panicked. The hooves stopped and I saw the British walk towards me. My breathing hastened as a redcoat took a musket from off his shoulder. He aimed it at my horses head and a shot rang out. My beautiful horse was left lying still on me. "You bastards." I snarled, looking up at the soldiers. Two of them grabbed my arms and pulled me out. They kept a tight grip on me while the other two held a lantern to my face. 

"It seems we have a Patriot on our hands." the one holding the lantern grinned. He looked down at my chest. "A female Patriot, to be exact." I kicked his shin and he cried out. 

"Bind her wrists and put her on a horse. The general will love this." the man next to the one I kicked ordered. The soldier holding my right arm let go and tied my wrists together. I grunted when he tied the final knot on them. The one holding my left arm scooped me up onto his shoulder and began walking. 

"Put me down!" I shouted. He didn't listen and sat me down on the back of a horse. I looked behind me and saw nothing. My head hung down as the horse began to move. I looked to the side of the road and saw the forest bordering the road. Something was creeping in the shadows. I looked closer and made out four figures. "Is it them?" I thought. I looked  back to the front. Three of the soldiers were riding a ways ahead of the horse I was on, and the soldier on my horse was slowly falling asleep. I looked back and took a deep breath. I began to slowly edge my way towards the back of the horse. Once I was at the very end, I slid off the horse and hit the ground. I scrambled to my feet and ran behind a tree. I peeked around the side and saw the Brits continue riding. I gave a sigh of relief and turned back around. A hand reached my mouth and I let out a muffled yelp. I looked at the owner of the hand and saw John. He put his finger to his lips, signaling for me to stay quiet. I nodded and he removed his hand. He took out a knife and cut the rope off of my wrists. He took my hand and led me back through the forest. I stopped and held John's hand and he turned around. 

"Thanks John." I whispered. John smiled and kissed my lips. As his lips touched mine, my breath hitched and I melted into the kiss. He pulled away after a minute and smirked. 

"You're welcome." 

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