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~Time Skip~

~9 Years Later~

"Y/N! Come downstairs!" Eliza called. I looked up from my book.

"Coming!" I called back. I walked out of my room and slid down the banister. I skipped into the parlor, where Eliza, Philip, and our baby sister were waiting. 

I was so lucky. B/N was in jail for conspiring against the country and since I had no family to turn to, Alexander and his wife, Eliza had adopted me after the war. No one was as sweet or as nice than Eliza. Well, maybe her nine year old son, Philip.

"Alexander!" Eliza called. She walked over to me and kissed my forehead. I walked up to the piano bench where Philip was sitting. I tickled his stomach and he let out his wonderfully infectious giggle.

"Can I join you?" I asked. He smiled and nodded. I ruffled his curly, poofy hair and sat next to him on the bench and put my hands on the keys next to him.

"Can we do the song Mom taught us?" he asked making puppy eyes. I smiled and nodded.

"Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf." I sang.

"Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf." Philip echoed.

"Good." I nodded. "Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf."

"Sept~, huit, neuf." Philip improvised.

"Sept, huit, neuf." I corrected.

"Sept~, huit, neuf." he insisted. I rolled my eyes lovingly and smiled.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine!" we harmonized. I ruffled his hair and clapping emitted from behind us. I jumped and turned to see Alex, Eliza, and Angelica, Eliza's sister. I stood up with Philip and we both addressed our crowd with a bow and curtsy. 

"Auntie Ang!" Philip exclaimed, jumping into the second woman's arms. I jogged over and joined their hug.

"Ohh! I missed you kids!" Aunt Angelica said, holding us tighter. She let go for just a moment and reached into her small bag. "I have a surprise for you two!" She pulled out two books. "This is for Philip." she declared, handing him a beautiful picture book. "And this is for you!" she exclaimed, handing me a copy Common Sense by Thomas Paine. (I actually found a copy of Common Sense. Totally recommend it!)

"Thanks Auntie!" I exclaimed, taking the book and hugging her. Philip and I ran to the parlor and started reading.  I flopped onto a chaise and felt a sharp pain in my chest. I winced quietly so that I wouldn't worry Philip.

"Was it the injury?" he asked from the floor. He was sprawled on the parlor floor with his book.

"What?" I asked.

"Your injury. Pop was telling me how you're a war hero and that you save his friend."

"Heh. Yeah. It hurts from time to time and there's a scar, but I don't think about it." I murmured. Philip seemed content with my answer and continued reading. I could hear the adults having a conversation.

"What do you think they're talking about, Y/N?" Philip whispered. I shrugged and walked to the parlor door. I put my ear to it and listened carefully.

"They're saying something about going to Grandpa's for the summer." I replied. "Now Pop is saying that he can't go. Too much work." I listened closer. "No one's talking." I announced, walking back to my seat.

"Going to Grandpa's seems fun!" Philip said, sitting next to me.

"I feel bad for Pop. He never has time for fun anymore." I sighed. "I have an idea! I'll stay behind and help him with his work and we can meet you guys! His work is bound to go faster with two people working on it. Look at Thomas Jefferson writing the Constitution!"

"WE DON'T MENTION THAT NAME IN THIS HOUSE!" Alex shouted from his office, which was right above the parlor. I laughed.

"That's a good idea, Y/N. Tell Mom that. I'm sure she'll like it."

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