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~Time Skip~

~October 19, 1781. The Battle Of Yorktown~

I put on the suit that Herc had made for me. It fit my figure perfectly. My outfit matched all of the other soldiers. It consisted of a blue coat, a white shirt and pants, a hat, and my boots. I thought of the time it took Herc to make this. I let out a sigh. I missed him and Laff, who were away. Laff was just a few hours ride away, but Herc was across the sea in London. I shook my head. 

"No time for that."  I thought. I had been training for months under Washington, Alex, and John. I grabbed my musket and walked outside of my tent. There, a group of about a hundred men were waiting for me. In front of them, was the general. I looked around at the men and smiled. It was the day of the last battle. I looked up to General Washington and he saluted me. I saluted back. I turned to face the men in front of me. "I don't know what's going to happen out there today, men. But I know that we will emerge victorious and that those who belittled our nation will soon see things our way." A cheer emerged from them. I turned to the general and he nodded and smiled. He turned to face the crowd. 

"Most of our men have already gone ahead undercover. Those of you that remain here have been selected for this mission. Quarter of a mile from where the battle will be taking place, some of our men are held prisoner in a fort. Half of you will go into the fort with Miss Y/N and the other half will be staying with me, guarding them and keeping the British out. Am I understood?" 

"YES GENERAL!" the soldiers called back. 

~Time Skip~

We were right in front of the fort. The British still hadn't seen us yet. I took a deep breath.

"My brother is in there." I whispered. "I'm going to see him again. We'll be together again." I heard someone come up behind me. I whipped around and pointed my musket at the noise. I sighed when I saw the general. He smiled and walked up to me.

"You alright, Y/N?" he asked. I nodded. He put his hand on my shoulder. "I've told Alexander this before, but I want to tell you." I looked up at him. "You have no control who lives, who dies, who tells your story. All you have control of is the impact you have on history. Do you understand?" he asked. I nodded. He smiled again and stood erect. "Give the signal." I nodded and cupped my hands to my mouth. I made a bird call and waited nine seconds, as commanded.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven..." I whispered. Some men charged out of the woods too early. "WAIT!" I screamed. The men were shot down instantly and I gasped sharply.

"Attack!" the general screamed. Everyone raced out of the forest and charged at the small fort. I was small enough to sneak in through the front unnoticed. I ran through the abandoned fort. Everyone else was out fighting and I had ran faster than everyone else.

"B/N?" I whispered. I walked through a cracked door and found the captured prisoners. Everyone turned to face me and cheered. I smiled and put my finger to my lips, signaling for them to be quiet. I grabbed the keys off a hook near the door and went down the row unlocking every cell. Some hugged me and kissed my forehead and cheeks. Others said nothing, but smiled. I got to the last cell, but found no trace of my brother. I stopped a man. "Do you know what happened to a B/N?" I asked. The man's face went grim.

"Dear, he's a redcoat." he muttered. I laughed.

"He can't be. He was a Patriot prisoner of war." I stated. The door swung open and I turned around.

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