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(A/N: Hey y'all. Sorry I haven't updated this for a while. I've had a crazy amount of school stuff and other obligations. Anywho. BACK TO LE STORY!!!)

My head started swirling.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked. I slammed my hands onto the desk. "WHAT THE HELL DOES IT MEAN?!" My shoulders started to shake and Washington came around the desk and hugged me.

"Calm down, Y/n. Take deep breaths."

"I-I'm s-sorry, sir. I-I-I'm ju-just so c-conf-fused." I sobbed, holding onto him tightly. The general sat me back down and knelt in front of me.

"I'm going to try and explain this as best as I can, Y/n, okay?" he asked. I nodded. He let out a sigh and looked at his hands. "Your brother was one of the best soldiers out of my men. He kept them together when they thought of retreat. He was the reason we won some of our battles. His determination. I asked him one day how he managed to stay so determined. He said, 'My little sister, Y/N, is counting on me to win.'  That sentence made me smile for the first time during the war. He also said that when we are close to winning, he would bring you here and have you fight with us. He bragged to everyone how you are a natural leader and how skilled you are at fighting. 'She's going to help us win this war. I'd stake my life on it. Just wait until she gets here, General.' he told me. When he took you out on that ship for some training, British soldiers attacked it. He was captured, Y/n. He's still there, but alive."

I wiped a tear from off my face. "You okay?" he asked. I nodded.

"I've been wondering if he'd lived or not. Now I know he's alive." I smiled weakly.

"But that's just it, Y/n. We don't know if he can stay in those conditions for much longer. He's been there for so long and he's been worked too hard. We need you to go and do what you would do to find your brother. Can you get us out of the mess we're in?" (See dat?) I smiled and wiped my face once more. I stood up and saluted.

"Where can I get my uniform, General?"

My Knights In Patriot UniformsWhere stories live. Discover now