Protective Pt. 1 {Sweet Pea}

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(This request was from brenna1919. I hope you enjoy!)

I woke up to my phone alarm going off. I reached over to the nightstand to turn it off. I unlatched the hands that were wrapped around my waist, doing that earned a groan from the raven-haired boy beside me. I sat at the edge of the bed looking back at him.
SP: "Ugh do you have to go to school?"
Y/N: "Yeah and you have to go too"
Sweet Pea groaned beside me.
SP: "I was thinking about skipping today"
I gave him a death glare.
Y/N: "If I have to go, you have to go"
He sighed.
SP: "When are you gonna transfer to Southside High?"
Y/N: "On Monday"
Sweet Pea smiled.
SP: "Good. I hate going to school but now I have something to look forward to"
I got up from the bed and began to pick out my clothes for the day. Sweet Pea walked out of the room and into the kitchen. I couldn't find the shirt I was looking for. I rummaged through my drawers and still couldn't find it. I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed. I yelled out to Sweet Pea.
Y/N: "Sweets?"
SP: "Yeah Y/N?"
Y/N: "Do you know where my favourite shirt went?"
He walked into the doorway and leaned against it.
SP: "What one?"
Y/N: "The one that you bought me"
SP: "The one I bought you or the one you stole?" He teased
Y/N: "The one you bought me" I replied in a snarky tone.
SP: "I have no idea where it went, Princess"
I sighed.
SP: "Here take this one"
He tossed one of his shirts at me. I caught it and put it on. It was a little big so I tied it up. Sweet Pea walked up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.
SP: "Mmmmmm Princess, you look so good in my shirt"
He bit his lip while checking me out. I rolled my eyes and gave him a peck on the lips.
Y/N: "I gotta go"
SP: "I'll give you a ride to school"
Y/N: "Ok well hurry up"
He quickly grabbed a pair of pants and a t-shirt, threw them on and grabbed his Serpent jacket on the way out. We both got on to his bike and he drove me to school.


When we arrived outside of my school Archie and Veronica were standing together. I got off of Sweet Pea's bike.
Y/N: "Thank you for the ride Sweets"
SP: "No problem Princess, have a good day!"
Y/N: "You too"
I gave him a passionate kiss.
Y/N: "Love you"
SP: "Love you too"
I began to walk away from Sweet Pea as he revved up his engine and drove away. I walked towards the group, Veronica was the first one to notice me.
V: "Hey Y/N!"
Y/N: "Hey, what's up?"
V: "Well a friend of mine is having a party at his house tonight and I thought that since this is your last day here that we should all spend the night together. Are you in?"
Y/N: "Yeah sure but you do know that I'm still going to see you guys every so often"
V: "Yeah we know but we thought we should have some fun"
The bell rang signalling to get to class.
Y/N: "Alright, I guess I'll see you guys at lunch"


The day seemed to drag on forever. The bell rang and I quickly gathered my belongings. I made my way out to the front to see my boyfriend waiting by his bike.
SP: "Hey Princess, how was your day?"
I kissed him.
Y/N: "It was boring, what about yours?"
SP: "Same"
We both got on his bike and I wrapped my arms around Sweet Pea's waist. He drove me to the Whyte Wyrm. Once we got there we walked in and were greeted by Sweet Pea's friends. Toni took me aside to just chat, while Sweet Pea and Fangs were playing a game of pool. Toni spoke.
Toni: "So I heard that you'll be transferring to Southside High on Monday"
Y/N: "I wonder who told you that"
Toni chuckled. I looked over to Sweet Pea joking around with Fangs. Earning a smile from Toni.
Toni: "He's excited you know. He's been talking about it all day today. He cares about you Y/N, a lot more than you think"
Y/N: "I know he cares about me and I care about him"
Toni smiled.
Y/N: "I'm gonna go see my man"
Toni: "Alright, I'll see you later"
I smiled at Toni and walked over to Sweet Pea. I put my hand on his shoulder, he turned to face me.
SP: "Hey Princess!"
He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into a kiss.
SP: "Wanna play a round of pool with me and Fangs?"
Y/N: "Sure but it has to be quick"
SP: "Why's that?"
Y/N: "Veronica invited me to a party tonight"
Sweet Pea rolled his eyes and sighed.
Y/N: "Sweets, it'll be the last time I will see her in a while"
SP: "Alright well just be safe ok? and if anyone hits on you, you call me"
I chuckled at his protectiveness.
Y/N: "Oh Sweets. Don't worry I'm all yours"
Sweets was about to pull me in for a kiss.
Fangs: "Ok, break it up lovebirds"
I rolled my eyes at him and kissed Sweet Pea anyways. We started with the game of pool. Me and Sweet Pea were close but of course, he won. Fangs sighed.
SP: "One day Fangs, one day" He teased
Y/N: "Ok I gotta head out"
SP: "Do you want me to drive you home?"
Y/N: "No, actually. I'm gonna be going to Veronica's to get ready for the party"
He sighed.
SP: "Alright. Be careful"
Y/N: "I will"
I went up on my tip toes and kissed Sweet Pea's cheek.
SP: "Love you"
Y/N: "Love you too"


I sat in front of Veronica's vanity in her room. She continued to apply makeup all over my face.
V: "Are you excited for this party?"
Y/N: "Yeah I guess"
V: "Good. You'll have fun tonight I promise"
I smiled.
Y/N: "Alright"
Veronica finished my make up and brought me to her closet.
V: "Now let's pick out an outfit for you"
She brought out a beautiful dress.
V: "What do you think about this one?"
(This is the dress)

 V: "What do you think about this one?"(This is the dress)

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Y/N: "V that's beautiful"
She smiled.
V: "Go try it on"
I went to the bathroom and put it on. I walked back out to her room.
V: "Oh my gosh Y/N, you look so good!"
Y/N: "Thank you"
V: "Ok, I'm gonna do my make up and get dressed then we can be on our way"
Veronica did her makeup and got a dress on.
V: "Are we ready to go?"
Y/N: "Yeah let's go!"
We hooked each other's arms and walked out of Veronica's apartment.


When we arrived we walked into the venue.
V: "Y/N this is my friend, Nick"
He held out his hand. I took it and shook it.
Nick: "Nick St. Claire"
Y/N: "Y/N L/N"
I smiled and he smiled back.
V: "I'm gonna go talk to Josie and the Pussycats about the performance tonight so I'll be right back"
Y/N: "Ok"
While Veronica was gone me and Nick got to know each other better. We talked about our hobbies and other things like that. I started to notice that he was quite charming but Sweet Pea was way better. Veronica came back to join us and we spent an hour or so talking until Josie came up to Veronica.
Josie: "V, we will be performing in 10 minutes so let's go get ready"
V: "Alright"
She turned to us.
V: "Well I have to go get ready to perform so I'll see you guys after the performance"
Nick: "Ok"
Veronica left and it was just me and Nick once again.
Nick: "Would you like a drink?"
Y/N: "Yeah sure!"
Nick: "Alright, I'll be right back"
Nick left to go get the drinks and I stood in the same spot until he came back.
Nick: "Here you go"
I took the champagne glass from his hand and took a sip from it. Me and Nick continued to talk while I continued to sip on the champagne. The next thing I knew Veronica and the Pussycats were starting to perform. Nick took my hands and started to dance with me. I began to feel dizzy and uneasy. I tried to blink it away but it didn't seem to go. I could barely stand and Nick put his arm around my waist.
Nick: "Whats wrong?"
Y/N: "I don't know. I don't feel well"
Nick: "Come on let's go I'll bring you to a bedroom"
He moved my arm to around his shoulder and began to walk me into his house. He walked me up the stairs and I began to stumble around. We got upstairs to a room and he opened the door to it. I staggered into the room and towards the bed, I fell on it. As soon as I fell on it I passed out.

Veronica's POV
As I was doing the performance I noticed that Y/N began to wobble. She leaned against Nick and he propped her up with his hand around her waist. Josie noticed what I was looking at. We both watched as Nick went out of the venue with Y/N. We both looked at each other with puzzled looks. We finished our performance and all walked off the stage to follow Nick to where he was going with Y/N. We eventually found out that he brought Y/N to a room. When we walked into the room Nick was on top of Y/N and Y/N was passed out on the bed. I ripped him off of her.
V: "Get off of her"
I punched him in the face causing him to stumble back into where Josie, Valerie and Melody were. They continued to punch him and he fell to the floor. Josie ran over to Y/N whereas me, Valerie and Melody were kicking the shit out of Nick. Y/N wouldn't wake up, Josie tried shaking her awake but she wouldn't awake.
V: "Ok we need to get her to my place"

To be continued...

AN: Hope you guys enjoyed. Comment what you think.

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