Mornings with Sweet Pea Would Include...

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- Him waking up early to get or to make breakfast for the both of you

- Sometimes getting breakfast in bed from Sweet Pea

- Being woken up by Sweet Pea lightly spanking your butt and you groaning in response

- You turning over and him giving you a morning kiss

- Sweet Pea pulling you closer to cuddle for a bit

- Him kissing your forehead while your cuddling 

- You getting out of bed and him groaning due to the warmth leaving his body

- You stealing his shirt to put on over your undergarments 

- Him smiling at you due to you wearing his overly sized shirt

- Him laughing at you due to your crazy hair

- "What?" "Your hair is everywhere" "I wouldn't be talking!" 

- You going out to the kitchen to make Sweet Pea breakfast

- Sweet Pea coming into the kitchen yawning while ruffling his fluffy black hair 

- Him coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist while you make breakfast 

- Occasionally going out to Pop's for breakfast before school

- Sweet Pea knowing your breakfast order

AN: Sorry this sucked, this is my first one of these but I hope you enjoyed. Comment what you think or comment requests. Also sorry for the lack of updates, I've had tons of homework and I had a little bit of writer's block so I will try to update as much as possible. 

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