Broken Down {Sweet Pea}

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It was another dark dreary day in Riverdale. I was just finishing up my shift at Andrew's Construction site. I took off my dirty gloves and walked towards the trailer to punch out. I walked up the creaky wooden steps into the warm trailer to see my boss sitting at his desk, rummaging through the stacks of papers that were piled on top.
Fred: "Heading out early, Y/N?"
Y/N: "Yeah if that's ok?"
Fred: "Yeah of course. You going to see Archie?"
Y/N: "Yeah. I'm gonna go surprise him"
Fred smiled.
Fred: "I'm sure he'll appreciate it. How is the building coming along?"
Y/N: "Good we got a lot of work done today"
Fred smiled. I walked over towards the clock.
Fred: "Well thank you for working so hard Y/N"
Y/N: "Anytime. I'll see you tomorrow?" I said while walking towards the door.
Fred: "Yup. Have a good night Y/N"
Y/N: "You too"
I walked out of the trailer and over to my truck. I took off my hard hat and put it on the passenger seat. I started up my truck and drove towards Pop's.


When I arrived I got out of my truck and walked up the steps. The bell went off above my head indicating that I was entering the restaurant. Pop Tate greeted me with a smile.
Pop: "Hey Y/N! The usual?"
Y/N: "Yeah, including Archie's"
Pop: "Oh umm"
I gave him a puzzled look.
Y/N: "What?"
Pop pointed towards one of the booths that were placed at the front. I looked over to where he was pointing to see Archie and a raven-haired girl. I furrowed my eyebrows and stormed over to the booth. As I got closer I noticed that he was holding hands with the girl as well as sharing a chocolate milkshake.
Y/N: "Archie?"
Archie looked over at me dumbfounded.
Arch: "Y-Y/N. Heyyyyyy"
Y/N: "Do you mind introducing me to your girlfriend here?"
Arch: "Um well this is Veronica"
V: "And who are you?"
Y/N: "Yeah ummmm I was his girlfriend"
Arch: "Was?"
Y/N: "Oh Archie, did you really think I was going to stay with you after you cheated on me with this privileged bitch?"
Veronica gave me and Archie a death glare. Archie stayed quiet. Anger took over, I suddenly grabbed the milkshake that was in front of them and threw it in Archie's face. I stormed towards the front. Pop was waiting there with my bag of food.
Pop: "It's on the house"
Y/N: "Thank you. Make Archie clean that mess up"
I grabbed the bag off the counter and walked out to my truck. It was just starting to rain. I got into my truck and started it up and just started to drive. I used to live at Archie's but that's the last place I wanted to go, leaving me homeless. Since I didn't have an official place to live, I just thought I would drive. I began to think about Archie. I began to tear up but shook it off.
Y/N: "You don't need that cheating asshole" I told myself.
While I was driving, my truck began to make a grinding noise. I didn't even have time to pull over when something exploded. With the remaining energy that was left in the engine, I pulled over at the side of the road. I sighed and got out of my truck. It was now pouring rain outside. I walked to the front of the truck, opened the hood and propped it up. I checked the engine. It was extremely hot and was smoking. I slammed the hood down.
Y/N: "You fucking piece of shit truck"
I kicked the tire. I walked to my truck and leaned in to grab my phone. I tried to turn it on but no luck.
Y/N: "Shit!"
I threw my phone on the seat and slammed the truck door shut. I rested my head against the cold wet window. I was now soaked so it didn't matter if I was in sheltered or not. I heard a car drive by, hoping that they would stop but they just drove right past me, going through a puddle, splashing me. I was unfazed but I could feel the anger beginning to rise. I sighed deeply trying to calm myself down. I was startled by a sudden voice.
?: "Do you need some help?"
I looked over in the direction the voice came. It was a Serpent, he looked to be about my age and he was actually quite handsome.
Y/N: "There's no fixing this piece of shit"
The guy chuckled.
?: "I'm Sweet Pea"
He held out his hand.
Y/N: "Y/N"
SP: "Well do you need a phone to call somebody?"
Y/N: "I don't have anybody to call"
I shivered from the cold rain. The guy frowned slightly.
SP: "Let me see if I can do something to fix it"
I opened up the hood and he walked up beside me. He inspected the engine throughly.
SP: "The engine's fried, so I don't think it can be fixed"
I sighed.
SP: "Do you want me to drive you home?"
Y/N: "This is my home"
I pointed to my truck. The guy looked puzzled.
SP: "Do you want to crash at my place tonight? I can get someone to tow your truck to my trailer"
Y/N: "You'd do that?"
SP: "Yeah"
Y/N: "Why? You don't even know me"
SP: "Because I thought I would be nice to a beautiful girl like you. Not all Serpents are bad, ya know"
I looked down to hide my blush.
SP: "Come on, I'll take you to my house"
He began to walk to his truck.
Y/N: "Wait I'm just going to grab a few things"
SP: "Ok I'll meet you in my truck"
I went to my truck and opened the door. I grabbed my bag and shoved things into it. Before leaving the truck I grabbed my phone and shut the door behind me. I made sure to lock it and I walked over to Sweet Peas truck. I opened the passenger door.
Y/N: "Are you sure you want me to come in? I'm going to get the seat wet"
SP: "Just get in"
Y/N: "Ok jeez, so demanding"
I hopped in. Sweet Pea chuckled at my comment. I put the seatbelt on and Sweet Pea started up his truck.
SP: "So where were you headed?"
Y/N: "Nowhere in particular. Just trying to - never mind"
Sweet Pea looked at me with confusion written all over his face.
SP: "What were you trying to do?"
Y/N: "Don't worry about it"
Sweet Pea looked over at me with his eyebrows quirked up. I sighed knowing he wouldn't leave me alone until I told him.
Y/N: "I was trying to get over my stupid ex boyfriend"
SP: "All Northside guys are the same"
Y/N: "What do you mean?"
SP: "They're all fucking assholes... no offence"
Y/N: "Oh none taken. I agree with you"
Sweet Pea smiled a bit.
SP: "I'm glad someone does. Because every other girl on the Northside is oblivious to it. Again no offence"
I chuckled.
Y/N: "Don't worry about it"
We soon arrived at Sweet Pea's trailer. The rain had died down by this time and just turned to a mist. We both got out his truck and he led me up the stairs that went into his trailer. He opened the door and signalled for me to go in. I stepped in and was greeted by warmth. I hummed to myself at the warmth hitting my body.
SP: "You must be freezing. Let me go grab some dry clothes for you"
I couldn't even say anything to object as he was already on his way towards his room. I stood there until he returned with some clothes in his hands and a towel draped over his shoulder.
SP: "Here. The bathroom is just straight ahead, you can go change in there and the towel is for if you want to take a shower to warm yourself up"
Y/N: "Ok thank you so much"
I walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind me. I took off my cold wet clothes that were sticking to my skin. I used the towel just to dry the rain water off of me. I got changed into the clothes that Sweet Pea provided for me. They were warm and comforting but a little too big due to his tall stature. I walked back out of the bathroom to see Sweet Pea on the couch watching tv. He looked over at me and smiled.
SP: "You look funny in my clothes"
I rolled my eyes.
Y/N: "Thanks", I replied sarcastically
SP: "But you also look cute"
I looked down at my feet, hiding my blush.
SP: "Come sit with me on the couch"
He patted the seat beside him. I slowly walked over to the couch and took a seat near Sweet Pea.
SP: "You ok with watching this?"
I nodded my head. We ended up watching a few episodes of the show we were watching. While the commercials came on we would chat. The next time I looked at the clock. It was around 1 o'clock in the morning. Me and Sweet Pea both yawned at the same time causing us both to chuckle afterwards.
SP: "I'll go get the bed prepared for you"
Y/N: "No I can sleep on the couch"
SP: "No you can sleep in my bed. You probably haven't had a decent sleep in a while"
I sighed.
Y/N: "Are you sure?"
SP: "I'm positive"
Y/N: "Ok fine"
SP: "Ok you stay here and I'll be right back"
Sweet Pea disappeared into his room for about 5 minutes. He came back out.
SP: "Ok the bed's all yours"
Y/N: "Thank you again Sweet Pea. For everything"
SP: "No problem"
I walked up to him and hugged him tightly, he hugged me back with the same feeling. We pulled away and he smiled at me.
SP: "I'm surprised you hugged me"
Y/N: "Why's that?"
SP: "Cause I could be a serial killer for all you know"
Y/N: "No, I can tell you're not a serial killer"
Sweet Pea chuckled a bit. He led me to his room. I walked in.
SP: "If you need anything during the night, don't hesitate to call me. Especially if you need a cuddle buddy"
He winked at me. I rolled my eyes pretending that I wouldn't take him up on that offer.
Y/N: "Whatever. Goodnight Sweet Pea"
SP: "Goodnight Princess"
He shut the door behind him leaving me thinking about the sudden nickname he gave me. I walked over to the bed and got in under the covers. I turned off the lamp that was on the nightstand and stared up at the blank ceiling. The rain had started back up again, making a roaring noise from it hitting the roof. I laid awake for about two hours until I began to feel drowsy. I fell asleep almost instantly after that. A couple hours later I felt a dip in the bed. I looked over my shoulder to see Sweet Pea getting in bed behind me. He signalled for me to turn back over and fall asleep. Once he made himself comfortable, he wrapped his arm around my waist and we both fell back asleep within minutes.

AN: Sorry for the abrupt ending. It's been a while since I've uploaded. I'm extremely sorry about that. I've been trying to juggle a lot of things. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed. Comment what you think. Maybe a part 2? If you want a part to let me know what should happen.

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