Drive-In {Sweet Pea}

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It was the last day that the Twilight Drive-In was going to be open. It was the place where everyone went on Friday night to spend time with their significant others. Watch movies and munch on popcorn. It was the place where me and Sweet Pea met for the first time and now it was closing down for good. It was 7:00 and I was at my trailer, lounging around in my pyjamas. There was a sudden knock on the door and I got up to answer it. I opened it to reveal my handsome raven-haired boyfriend.
SP: "Hey Princess"
Y/N: "Hey baby"
I went on my tip toes and kissed his soft lips.
SP: "Are you ready?"
Y/N: "For what?"

SP: "To go to the drive-in"
Y/N: "Oh shit, that's tonight?!"
Sweet Pea nodded his head. I scrambled toward my room to get dressed, I could hear Sweet Pea chuckle behind me. He went and stood in the doorway that led to my room.
Y/N: "What should I wear?"
SP: "Whatever you want Princess"
Y/N: "That's not very helpful"
I continued to dig through my drawers looking for clothes. Sweet Pea came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He kissed my neck.
SP: "Just wear your usual"
I got out of his grasp and threw a shirt and a pair of pants on the bed. I shooed him out of the room and quickly got changed. I walked out and Sweet Pea was waiting on the couch.
SP: "There's my beautiful girl"
I smiled at him.
SP: "Are we ready to go?"
Y/N: "Yeah, one second"
I ran back to my room to grab my leather jacket. I quickly put it on and went to Sweet Pea. He smiled at me and wrapped his arm around my waist. We both walked out of my trailer and over to Sweet Pea's bike. We both got on to his motorcycle and he looked back at me. I gave him a puzzled look.
SP: "I love you"
Y/N: "I love you too"
He revved up the engine and sped off toward the drive-in.


When we got to the drive-in, there were rows upon rows of cars parked, ready to watch the movies that were being shown. Sweet Pea parked the bike towards the back. Once we stopped, the sound of motorcycles filled the air. We looked over to see the rest of the Serpents coming. Everyone turned their heads to look at them arriving, I saw some even sigh and roll their eyes. They all got off of their bikes to greet one another.
Y/N: "I'm gonna go get some snacks, do you want a drink?"
SP: "No, I brought my own"
He pulled out a flask from his jacket pocket. I smiled and shook my head.
Y/N: "Tisk, tisk, Sweet Pea"
He chuckled at me and I began to walk off towards the concession stand. As I was waiting in line, I could hear some guys catcalling me.
?: "Damn baby why don't you show us how to work that ass"
I rolled my eyes and stepped up to the stand. While I was ordering they continued to pester me. I finished ordering the snacks and waited for them to get the stuff ready. I rolled my eyes at the guys I finally turned around to see who the guys were. And of course, they were Riverdale High's very own Bulldogs. I sighed deeply. One of the guys walked over to me.
Guy: "Hey baby, what's your name?"
Y/N: "Fuck off"
Guy: "Oooo we're feisty tonight, that's ok like'em feisty. I'm Reggie in case you didn't know"
Y/N: "I didn't know and I don't care"
He smirked and walked towards me. I pushed him away from me.
Y/N: "Fuck off!"
?: "Is there a problem here?"
I looked over to see who it was. It was Sweet Pea with his arms crossed over his chest.
Reggie: "Ahhhh, look at what the dog dragged in, a Southside Serpent"
Sweet Pea walked over to me and put his arm around my waist. I swear I could see the anger radiating off of him.
Reggie: "Oh she's yours. That's too bad she would have looked better with me"
Reggie smirked.
SP: "You better shut your mouth, before I bash your face in, Northsider"
Reggie: "Oh really because last time I checked, Bulldogs eat Serpents for lunch"
Reggie took a step closer to Sweet Pea. Sweet Pea removed his arm from my waist and walked towards Reggie.
SP: "We'll see about that"
I could see Sweet Peas hand balled into a fist. I could tell that he was about to swing. They were about a foot away from each other, when I stepped in.
Y/N: "Guys, stop. Let's just enjoy the last night at the drive-in"
Reggie sighed and turned away. I grabbed the things I ordered and went over to Sweet Pea. He gave them a death glare until we went back to where we were sitting. He didn't say a word. We both sat down on his bike and he pulled me close to him. The group of Bulldogs walked by and Sweet Pea tensed up. I put my hand on top of his. He looked down at me.
Y/N: "Sweets, it's ok"
He relaxed a bit and kissed the top of my head. I smiled up at him and he wrapped his arms around me. I leaned against his body and the movie began. I got bored halfway through the movie and I could tell Sweet Pea was bored too. He was socializing with the other Serpents. I took a piece of popcorn and threw it in his face. It startled him. He looked down at me and gave me a playful death stare, I giggled. I picked up another piece of popcorn and threw in Sweet Pea's direction. He leaned back and caught it in his mouth. He smirked at me. We both laughed. I looked around to notice that none of the other Serpents were paying attention to the movie. One of the Serpents made a joke causing the rest of the group to burst out laughing. Apparently, we were too loud, Kevin Keller, the sheriff's boy turned around.
Kevin: "Shhhh"
He made eye contact with Joaquin, then turned back around. Then a raven hair girl shot up.
Girl: "Hey! You know what happens when a Louis Vuitton heel steps on a snake? Shut the hell up or you'll find out!"
Y/N: "How about you come over here and say that to my face?"
She gave me a death glare then sat back down.
Y/N: "That's what I thought"
Sweet Pea laughed behind me.
SP: "Someone's protective"

Y/N: "I'm not letting anyone talk to my man like that"
Sweet Pea chuckled and kissed the top on my head. 

I turned around to face Sweet Pea. He looked down at me and smiled. I engulfed him in a hug, he returned the hug and chuckled.
Y/N: "I love you, Sweet Pea"
SP: "I love you too Y/N"
He pulled me close to him and kissed my cheek. I pulled away.
Y/N: "I'm bored"
SP: "Me too, do you want to go back to my trailer, we can do something fun"
He winked. I smirked.
Y/N: "Let's go"

AN: Sorry I didn't know how to end it off, but I hope you enjoyed. Comment what you think.

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