Watch Your Tone {Sweet Pea}

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Today was the first day that I would be attending Southside High. I went to Riverdale High beforehand but my parents left and I wanted to stay in Riverdale, so the only thing I could afford was a trailer on the Southside. I really didn't mind it though, everyone seemed to know each other. I was the odd one out and would get the odd look every now and again but that was because I had lived on the Northside previously. I was kind of excited to see what Southside High had to offer, to see if it was really as bad as everyone made it out to be. I looked in front of the mirror to see if what I was wearing looked presentable (This what your outfit looks like)

 I looked in front of the mirror to see if what I was wearing looked presentable (This what your outfit looks like)

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It was good enough for me so I grabbed my bag and threw it over my shoulder.


When I got to the front of the school, I didn't feel as excited anymore. There was graffiti all over the walls on the outside and the school looked rundown like no one had gone there in years. Everywhere I looked I saw a leather jacket with a logo on it, representing the gang that the person was in. I began to feel like I stuck out like a sore thumb. I sighed and shoved my earphones in my ears. I walked up to the concrete steps that lead to the double door entrance. As soon as I walked in, I sort of wanted to walk back out. There were two long line ups of people waiting to walk through metal detectors. What was I getting myself into? I walked into the one line and waited to go through the metal detector. I was relieved to get through the metal detector without a hassle. I was about to walk to my first class when I was stopped by a pink haired girl with a camera in her hands.
Girl: "Y/N L/N, welcome to Southside High"
The girl held her hand out.
Toni: "I'm Toni Topaz, I'll be showing you around the school"
I took her hand shook it.
Y/N: "Nice to meet you"
Toni: "Ok right this way"
She showed me where all of my classes were and told me what to do and what not to do.
Toni: "And to your right, you'll see Jingle Jangle being consumed in its natural habitat"
Y/N: "Jingle Jangle?"
Toni: "Yeah, everywhere you look in this place it's being consumed, it's a highly addictive gutter drug, so I do not recommend"
I nodded my head taking in the information that Toni was telling me.
Toni: "Ok so here is your class with me!"
We both walked into the room and I took a seat beside Toni. The bell rang and the teacher started the lesson.
Teacher: "Fahrenheit 451 is a book by one of my favourite authors. Can anyone tell me the significance of the title?"

?: "DAMMIT!"

A tall raven hair boy stormed out of the room. I looked over at Toni puzzled. She shrugged her shoulders and shook her head, I turned my attention back to the lesson.
Teacher: "Anyone?"
I spoke out.
Y/N: "Fahrenheit 451 is the temperature that paper burns at"
Teacher: "Thank you Mrs. L/N"
He chuckled.
Teacher: "Welcome to hell"
The bell suddenly rang. I collected my things and went to my locker to put my books away. Toni came up beside me.
Y/N: "So who was that guy that stormed out of our class?"
Toni: "Oh that was Sweet Pea"
Y/N: "Wait, Sweet Pea?"
I laughed.
Toni: "Yeah"
I laughed once more before shutting my locker and walking beside Toni. She led me to the cafeteria.
Toni: "So this is the cafeteria, there are the Ghoulies"
She pointed towards a table.
Toni: "May I suggest that you go nowhere near them"
I nodded my head.
Y/N: "Noted"
She led me over to a table with a group sitting at it.
Toni: "And this is where we sit. The Serpents"
She brought me over to the table and introduced me to everyone.
Toni: "Everyone this is Y/N"
I met with the eyes of the guy who stormed out of our classroom. He was very handsome, he had piercing chocolate brown eyes and a tough look to him. He spoke up.
SP: "What is this Northsider doing here?"
Y/N: "Excuse me?"
SP: "You heard me, Princess"
Y/N: "Don't call me Princess!"
I slammed my hands down on the table. He didn't even flinch. Toni placed her hand on my shoulder.
Toni: "Y/N I-"
Y/N: "No Toni I can handle this"
She backed away from me.
Y/N: "Do you want to keep shitting on me, SWEET PEA?"
I emphasized his name.
He stood up from his seat and he put his face in mine. We were staring each other in the eyes.
SP: "Yeah I do princess"
Y/N: "How about you reconsider, before I punch you, in, the, throat"
He backed away from my face.
SP: "Can you believe this Northsider? She's threatening me? Oh Princess... you just made a huge mistake"
He got up and walked away, his little posse following behind him.
Toni: "Y/N are you crazy?! No one talks back to Sweet Pea or they will get the living shit beaten out of them"
Y/N: "Toni relax"
I lifted my jacket sleeve to reveal the Serpent tattoo on my forearm.
Y/N: "He can't hurt me or else he breaks a Serpent law"
She smirked.
Toni: "Y/N L/N, we are gonna be good friends"
We both chuckled while sitting down at the table. We both socialized for the rest of lunch.


The bell rang once again, ending the school day off. I walked out to my locker to put my books away when I was suddenly shoved into the lockers, by Sweet Pea. He looked back at me and laughed. I rolled my eyes and Toni walked up beside me.
Toni: "Are you ok?"
Y/N: "Yeah, I'm fine. He doesn't know whats coming"

Sweet Pea's POV
I walked out of my classroom and saw the new chick, Y/N. She was the one that talked back to me today at lunch. I shoved her into her locker and walked away laughing at her, she rolled her eyes and went back to opening her locker. I kicked open the double doors and over to my motorcycle. Fangs following close behind me.
Fangs: "What do you think about Y/N?"
SP: "I don't know, she talked back to me. That shows guts"
Fangs chuckled.
Fangs: "You like her don't you?"
SP: "No she's Northside trash"
Fangs: "And if she isn't?"
SP: "I still won't like her"
Fangs rolled his eyes.
Fangs: "Mmhhmmm"
SP: "Let's get going to the Wyrm"
We both got on our bikes and drove towards the direction of the Whyte Wyrm.


When we got to the bar me and Fangs walked in. The familiar scent of alcohol and sweat met my nose as I took a deep inhale of the air.
SP: "Ahhhh home sweet home"
From across the room, I could see the somewhat familiar H/L H/C hair. I walked up behind her.
SP: "Y/N?"

AN: I hope you guys enjoyed this imagine comment what you think? Part 2? Sorry, it's up so late.

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