Prom {Preference}

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I had heard the doorbell ring and the familiar voice of my boyfriend talking to my parents. I was in my room getting ready for one of the most important nights of high school. Prom. The night where you would have a blast dancing with your friends, boyfriend or significant other and even teachers. I was standing in front of my mirror, checking that everything was looking the way I wanted it to. I thought I looked well enough so I grabbed the clutch that was laying on my bed.
Mom: "Y/N your boyfriend's here"
Y/N: "I'm coming"
I took a breath and opened my door. I began to walk downstairs, I caught the attention of my parents and my boyfriend. My boyfriend smiled at me and my mom began to tear up. I got to the end of the stairs and walked over to my boyfriend, Reggie.
Reggie: "Wow Y/N, you look amazing"
Y/N: "You don't look too bad yourself"
He pecked my cheek.
Mom: "I want to take a picture of you guys"
Y/N: "Ugh mom"
Reggie: "Come on Y/N, just a few"
Y/N: "Fine"
Reggie wrapped his arm around my waist and my mom snapped a few pictures.
Mom: "Ok I'm done. Have fun you two"
Reggie: "We will Mrs. L/N"
Y/N: "Love you, mom, love you dad"
I walked out the front door and closed the door behind me. Reggie led me out to his car. He opened the door for me.
Y/N: "Thank you, Reggie, you're such a gentleman"
I got in and he smiled at me. He closed the door and got in on the other side. He started up his car and drove off towards the school.


When we got to the school, Reggie came to my side and opened the door for me once again. He took my hand in his and led me through the entrance of the school. We walked into the gymnasium, there were decorations everywhere. Streamers, banners, balloons and ribbons. The gym was packed with people, I was surprised to see a few Southsiders there, some of them I recognized. Reggie led me through the gym over to his friends.
Reggie: "Do you want some punch?"
Y/N: "Yeah sure"
Reggie: "Alright, I'll be right back"
He left me alone with Archie and his girlfriend Veronica. She complimented me on how I looked and soon enough Reggie came back with our drinks. He handed me my drink then he pulled out a flask from his pocket.
Reggie: "You want some?"
Y/N: "I'll pass"
Reggie: "Come on Y/N, have a little fun"
Y/N: "Reggie, I don't want any!"
Reggie: "Alright, sorry"
He opened his flask and poured some into his drink. That one drink led to another which led to a few more. It was now about halfway through prom and I was not having fun at all. Reggie was drunk and was tipsy. I'm surprised that none of the teachers noticed. He was hanging on me to keep himself steady and I just wanted a break.
Y/N: "Reggie, I'm gonna go to the bathroom, I'll be right back"
Reggie: "O-Ok baby"
Y/N: "Stay here, alright?"
He nodded his head and I walked out into the hallway. I walked into the bathroom. I went into the stall and locked it behind me. I began to breathe, to try to calm myself down. I heard a group of girls walk into the bathroom. Their heels clicking below them.
Girl 1: "Have you seen the girl that came with Reggie Mantle?"
Girl 2: "Yeah, she looks like shit. I can't believe he's even dating her. I know someone that would look better by his side"
Girl 3: "Then why don't you try, he standing alone out there, I don't know where his girlfriend went"
Girl 1: "She probably realized how much she looks like shit"
It was silent for a few seconds until one of the girls spoke up.
Girl 2: "I'm going to go get him"
I heard them walk out of the bathroom and I exited out of the stall. I looked at myself in the mirror and took one last breath before I walked out of the bathroom. I walked back into the gym to see Reggie dancing with another girl. From what I'm assuming it was one of the girls from the bathroom. She was grinding her hips on him and he looked over at me. He just gave me his stupid smirk and put his hands on her waist. I stormed out of the gym and walked outside. I sat on the front steps.

FP Jones
I was trying to calm myself down from what I just witnessed in the gym when I heard the door open behind me. I looked over to see who it was.
FP: "Hey Y/N"
Y/N: "Hey Mr. Jones, what are you doing here?"
FP: "They needed parents to chaperone, so I volunteered to do it. That way I know that Jughead is behaving himself"
I chuckled. FP took a seat beside me.
FP: "Why are you out here?"
Y/N: "My boyfriend blew me off, to dance with some other girl"
He looked at me with concern in his chocolate brown eyes.
FP: "Are you ok?"
Y/N: "Yeah I guess"
FP: "What's this guys name, if you don't mind me asking?"
Y/N: "Reggie Mantle"
FP: "Mmmmm Jughead has told me about him"
I sighed.
Y/N: "I was looking forward to having a good night but Reggie ruined it"
FP: "Hey, hey, hey. The night's not over yet"
Y/N: "What do you mean?"
FP: "There's still time to make the night fun"
FP stood up and held his hand out.
FP: "Come on"
I took his hand and he helped me up from the stairs. He took me over to his truck, we both got into the truck.
Y/N: "Where are we going?"
FP: "You'll see, just trust me"
I remained silent as he began to start up his truck and sped off in an unknown direction. Within a few minutes, we were parked in front of the Whyte Wyrm. FP turned off his truck and began to get out, he came over to my side and opened the door for me. I hopped out of the truck and FP offered his arm for me to hold on to. We began to walk up concrete steps that led up to the entrance.
Y/N: "I'm a little overdressed for the Wyrm, don't you think?"
FP: "Don't worry about it, you look gorgeous"
I blushed.
Y/N: "Well thank you"
We entered the bar, it was just what I had expected. Crowded with people that had leather jackets and a big Serpent logo on their backs, dark lighting, loud music, and smelled of alcohol. All eyes were on me, the room became quieter. I noticed a few people leaning over whispering to each other while making direct eye contact with me. I began to feel uneasy, FP led me through the crowds of people and over to the bar. We both sat down on a bar stool, FP turned to the bartender and ordered drinks for us. Soon enough the drinks were slid in front of us, we both clinked our glasses together and took a swig of our drinks. He smiled.
FP: "Not as innocent as you seem, Y/N"
I winked at him.
Y/N: "What's a good time without any alcohol?"
FP: "I like the way you think Y/N"
We both smirked at each other and took another drink of our beverages. A younger Serpent came up behind FP and placed a hand on his shoulder. He leaned down to talk into FP's ear. He nodded his head at the younger Serpent and turned his attention back to me.
FP: "I'll be right back Y/N, I just have to deal with something"
I nodded my head, he got up from his seat and followed the younger Serpent. I swished around my drink in the glass and watched the liquid move from side to side. I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked over my shoulder to see a Serpent, he looked a few years younger than FP.
Serpent: "Hey beautiful, are you sure you're in the right place?"
Y/N: "Yes"
He sat down in the seat that FP was sitting in previously. 
Serpent: "You're a little overdressed for this place"
He placed his hand on my knee. I gave him a dirty look.
Y/N: "Ok and?"
Serpent: "Someone might hurt you"
He smirked and slid his hand further up my leg. I tried to pull his hand off of my leg but he just gripped it tighter, causing me to yelp. He leaned closer to me.
Serpent: "Yeah, that's what I like to hear"
Y/N: "Get your fucking hand off of me!"
I shoved him.
Serpent: "Oooooh I like em rough"
FP came up behind the Serpent that was sitting in his spot and jerked him back by his shoulder.
FP: "How about you leave her the fuck alone!"
The Serpent looked up to see FP fuming and immediately drew himself back from FP, changing his posture from the way he was sitting before.
Serpent: "I-I'm sorry FP, I didn't know she was with you"
FP: "How about you leave women alone in general?"
Serpent: "O-Ok sorry"
FP: "Now get the fuck out of here before I do something I won't regret"
He quickly got out of FP's seat and jogged away.
FP: "Fucking pervert", he mumbled
FP turned to me.
FP: "Are you ok?"
Y/N: "Yeah, thank you"
FP: "Here, come with me"
I stood up from the bar stool and FP intertwined our fingers together. We both walked upstairs to a door. He opened the door and signalled for me to enter. I walked in and looked around the room. It kind of looked like a run down hotel room.
FP: "You'll be safe up here, no one's allowed up here unless I'm here"
Y/N: "Thank you FP"
It was silent for a few seconds.
Y/N: "May I ask why there is a bed in here?"
FP: "I stay the night here sometimes"
I nodded my head taking in the information he was telling me. He slid off his Serpent jacket and threw it over the chair that was in the room. He sighed deeply as if he had a stressful day. He walked over to the bed and sat on the edge of it. I looked over at him, his brown eyes looked like they were hurting. I suddenly had an urge to kiss him. He was just so handsome and I felt pity for him. I walked up to him and grabbed the sides of his face and kissed him softly. I quickly pulled away.
Y/N: "I'm sorry, I don't k-"
He suddenly stood up and I was interrupted by him wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. He gazed into my eyes for a few seconds until he kissed me back. The kiss was more intense than the first one. We both pulled away for air, he smirked and reconnected his lips with mine. This time it was rough, I pushed him down on the bed, causing him to bounce a little. I crawled on top of him and moved my lips from his lips to his neck. You can guess what happened that night.

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