I'm getting a what?

30 2 5

As soon as we finished kissing we look in the eyes. "K-Kyke. I lo-love you," I said to him. "I love you too," he said as he pulled me in for a long hug.

We walk to our separate classes holding hands. Once we turn the corner we saw Taylor. She looked at us and we quickly let go.

She had a little look on her face, but tried to hide it. "Kyle, I was looking for you everywhere. We have to get to class." She said giving me a glare. "Ok, fine. See you around Ivey," He turned around and winked at me.

I went to class right as the bell rang. "How did the talk go?" Emily asked, a little curiosity in her eyes.

"Amazing. I'll, tell you later. My house, after school," I say right before the teacher starts.

After school Emily came over to my house. "So, what are we going to do?" Emily said "Oh oh oh. We should make a list of what we are doing and when." I say, answering her question.


Emily and Ivey's Awesome List

4:00: Play Minecraft
5:00: Watch YouTube
6:00: Do Makeup and Nails
6:30: Have the Talk😉
7:00: Dinner
8:00: Free Time
8:30: Drop Emily Off


We started doing everything on the list. When we got to 6:30 I got nervous. I wanted to tell her, but at the same time I didn't.

"So what happened?" Emily asked with great interest. "Well, he.. um... so.. URG. I'm just going to blurt it out. Be ready." I said taking a breath in.

"He saw that I loved him, told me he loved me. Then we kissed and we walked to our classes holding hands. When we turned the corner Taylor Bine was there and gave me a glare," I finished.

"Wow. That. Is... AWESOME." Emily practically exclaims. "Yeah. I guess I haven't had time to realize how amazing that was."


During our "free time" we played truth or dare. "Truth or dare?" Emily asked. "Ummm, well I have to pick dare," I answered. "YAS!" Emily exclaimed. Uh oh. This can NOT be good. "I dare you to get a job," "Um, ok? That, doesn't sound too bad..."

Emily stopped what she was doing and looked at me. Her face looked like when she ships someone. "Also," she trailed of. "You and Kyle have to work together," Why oh WHY did I have to tell her about the talk, and kiss.


Sorry they chapter is kinda short.

Question of the chapter: Do you want to get a job?

I actually have a job. I ref volleyball games.

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