Recordings of the past.

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(May contain some swearing, Sorry).

Eve POV:

I went back to my house and started to pack my stuff while talking to myself.

"It is back... How? We finished him back then... Why can't I remember anything?" I sat on my bed and started to cry when suddenly something caught my eye, tt the top of my cupboard.

I got up and took a ladder, I climbed and took the box that was named: 'Recordings of the past'.

I sat down and openned the box, Immediately smiling and taking out an old recoding tape that lay there.

I sat down and openned the box, Immediately smiling and taking out an old recoding tape that lay there

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I took the first cassette that was in the box, names: 1# Summer Is Here!, and put it in the tape.

"Hi, It's Evelyn Cassdim again!" The voice of a familier 15 years old girl came out of the tape, making Eve to smile at hearing her younger self's voice...


She was short for her age but she was extremely beautiful. Evelyn Cassdim, a young girl who knows everyone and everything about Derry.

Evelyn walked to her locker to clean it from the stuff that she needed for the Summer

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Evelyn walked to her locker to clean it from the stuff that she needed for the Summer. With her beloved recording tape in her hand, She recorded Richie's, Bill's, Eddie's and Stan's conversation about Stan's Bar Mitzvah, She almost broke in laughter after hearing it again.

"Boys will always stay boys." She said, shaking her head. She almost reached her locker when she noticed Greta, the annoying, so-called popular girl in the school.

Greta walked towards the bathroom with an angry face, Evelyn sighed, knowing what's going on, She left her path and walked into the bathroom, only to see Greta and her friends throwing wet trash into one of the restrooms, the girls laughed and started to leave.

"Have a nice summer, Beaverly." Greta said as she passed Evelyn, calling her Little Bug on the way.

"Go to Hell..." She mumbled, Greta turned to look at her.

"What did you just say to me?" The girl asked in a death glare.

"I said: Go to Hell" Evelyn said in an obvious tone, Greta slapped her across her face, sending her face to the side.

"You better shut up, Little Bug, because I have no problem smashing you!" Greta threatened as Evelyn just slowly turned to look back at her with no words and a devilish mixed with pride smile.

"No wonder you don't have a boyfriend" Greta laughed at her. 

"At least I don't have a boyfriend that cheats on me." Evelyn remarked with the smile still on,  knowing she hit a soft spot as everyone knew she was talking about Henry.

The room fell silence as everyone waited to see what will happen next...

Greta slapped Evelyn again before pushing her to the ground roughly and left, furious.

Evelyn sighed as she got up and knocked on the restroom that was really smelly now.

"Bev? You can come out now, they left." With that, Evelyn's best friend, Beverly Marsh, came out with a sigh.

"You didn't have to do that." She told her as she put a hand on Evelyn's red cheek.

"See if I care! She wished to be as beautiful as you!" Evelyn smiled as she picked her backpack and left the bathroom with Beverly, she finally took out what she needed from her locker and left the school.

"So, Plans for the Summer?" Bev asked.

"Not really, maybe I'll go to my Mom's office and see what's new in Derry." Evelyn said.

"It'll be a surprise if they'll find something that you don't know. Do they know where are the missing kids already?" Bev asked.

"I wish, but it seems like they don't even care. I tried to inquire Mom but she just shook me off and told me to go and bring more coffee from the cafe." Evelyn said as they went out and noticed a chubby boy with headphones on his head.

"Hey! It's Ben Hanscom, the new kid in school." Evelyn said with a smile.

"How do you know?" Bev asked, Evelyn looked at her with a smile and a 'Really?' look, making Bev smile as well.

"Hey listen, I'll go talk to him, I'll catch up with you ok?" Bev said.

"Aw, Bevy is in love~" Evelyn laughed.

"No! I just want to warn him about Henry." Bev said.

"Sure you do, See ya later, Bev." And with that she left.

End of flashback:

"I know that she likes him, Nothing escapes the Queen of Knowing... Alright, that's all for now, Evelyn out!" And with that the tape stopped, I smiled one last time when suddenly a horn of a car sounded and it snapped me back to reality.

My taxi is here.

I took the box of the cassettesa and went down with my stuff and got in.

"Where to Miss?" The nice driver asked.

"Derry, Maine please." I answered and the driver took off.

"A little bit far, Don't you think?" He asked.

"Yeah, it is really far..." I mumbled back, Maybe I forgot everything because I wanted to? Maybe that's why I went so far? Who knows....

I took out the tape recoding and put the next cassette.

2# This cute boy....

(Heya guys! How was that? I hope you like it, Please leave a comment and tell me what do you think, Love ya!)

IT's why I am recording. -COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now