Dead Lights.

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Evelyn POV:

We escaped to Mike's office in the library.

"What are we gonna do now?" Beverly asked

"We have to do something with Pennywise" Ben said

"We can't do anything if we won't have all the eight of us" I told them

"We need to find Stan" I kept on going

"Already on it" Mike said and started to search for Stan

Meanwhile, Richie started to act like he's drunk.

"I've never been so happy in my entire life, I even got a hottie here" He said drunk- alike which make everyone snorting and chuckle as he put his arm around my shoulder

"Today is your lucky day hottie, We're going to match you with one of these lucky guys" Ben and Eddie decided to go with the flow and started to fix their suits and hair, making Beverly to start laughing and roll her eyes as Mike laughed a little and immediatly went back to the phone

"Well, What are you looking for hottie? Will it be our Benny, Eddie or Mikey?" Richie asked, I decided to go with it as well

"Well, My dear sir, I think I'm into the type of that really handsome guy with the phone in his hands" I smiled devillishly, The boys acted like they're upset as Richie dragged me towards Mike and put me next to him

"Congrutulation my dear sir" Richie kept on going and suddenly Mike shushed him, still smiling.

"Stan?" He called into the phone, I was close enough to hear a woman's voice, Stan's wife saying stuff like:

"I'm sorry... suicide.... it" I looked at Mike concerned as his smile faded.

"Thank you... I'm sorry..." And with that he put the phone back

"Stan is dead." He said blankly at the end, Everyone froze in the place.

I felt the tears coming down again, with a full power.

"He commited suicide by cutting his wrists in the bathroom, He left the word: it, On the wall, with his blood" Mike explained as he put a hand over my shoulder and let me cry into his.

Stan Uris... is dead? How could that happened?

There was only a deep silence, Only the sound of me and Beverly sobing was heard.

Finally I spoke up.

"We can't blame him... he was afraid to death" I said as I tried to wipe the tears away but they just kept coming, I have to tell them...

"Stan was the last on to see It in that Summer" I told them, Everyone looked at me shocked but I continued

"I was on my way to my mom's work when I saw him, He ran like crazy, like someone is chasing him, He climbed on his bikes and told me to do the same, he drove like crazy till we reached his home, We sat on the porch and he started to crying while telling me what happend: He was busy learning Torah when suddenly he heard someone calling his name from an old house, He didn't know why but he went there, The door closed behind him and he said he saw that scary woman from his dad's drawing, All he could do was to hold the book in front of him like a shield and say all the phrases that he could remember, It worked and he escaped" I finished telling the story and took a deep breath

"I remember that after he finished the story... He told me, and I just now think of it: I saw It's Deadlights and I wanted to be there" I just now realized what he said

"What did he mean by deadlights?" I asked

"I don't know" Mike said, Bev on the other hand looked scared to death

"Bev? Are you ok?" I asked her

"I'm fine Evelyn, Don't worry" She said, I noticed her hands

"You still got blood on them, Here" I started to clean it up, She smiled

"I remember the time you and the boys came to my house to help me clean it up

Evelyn POV:

"Come on guys" I told the boys as the drove on their bikes, I was skating really fast towards Bev's house, The lesson with Mike helped me a lot

"What is your problem blondie?" Richie asked

"Light brown-blonde Richie and I'll explain when we'll be there" I told them


"Richie, Wait here" Bill said as we ran towards the fire escape of Bev's house

"But what if Mr. Marsh will come back?" He asked annoyed

"Do what you always do" Stan called back

"Start talking" Me and him said together and ran up, We switched glances and laughed

"Nice sync" I told him as we gave a quick high five, We reached Bev's bathroom

"In there" She said quietly, We started to walk towards the bathroom as Eddie started to rumble about how much toilets are horrible

"Eddie, Please stop" I said calmly and put a hand on his shoulder, Bill slowly openned the door and revealed the bloody bathroom

"What the heck happened here?" Stan asked

"My dad couldn't see it, Only me and Evelyn" Bev said

"I thought we went crazy" I said as well

"We have to clean it up before your dad will come back" Ben said

And so the project on cleaning the bathroom started.

Bev was taking care of the sink and the mirror, Ben and Eddie were cleaning the floor, Stan was cleaning the windows, Bill took care of the bathtub and I was cleaning the ceiling.

Ben POV:

I kept staring at Beverly then and there, I have to find out if she got my poem

I made sure that nobody is watching, I slowly made my to Beverly's room and saw my poem on her desk

"Ben?" I heard someone is calling me, making me jump and turn to look, I was relived to see Evelyn, She looked confused and made her way towards me

"You ok?" She asked

"Yeah, I'm fine! Just got lost on my way to the dumpster" I tried to cover it up

"But you don't have any bags in your hands" She said in confusion, I looked at my hands and realized it was true, Evelyn sighed and got into the room, She sat down on Beverly's bed.

"Come on, Sit down" She said and gestured on the place next to her, I sat down

"Now tell me what's worng" She said

Timeskip, Evelyn POV:

"So you wrote this" I said as I looked at the poem

"Yeah... I guess she didn't like it" He answered

"Actually, She showed it to me last night, She didn't stop talking about this" I said, making him look at me with shock

"You have no idea how happy she was to see that someone cares for her like that, I wish someone would'd done the same for me, It's really lovely" I said quietly

"I'm sure there's someone in this town who likes you like that" Ben said, I smiled and hugged him

"Thanks Ben" I said and then pulled away

"Could you... please don't tell Beverly I wrote this... I want her to find out alone or maybe until I'll have the courage" He said

"My lips are sealed" I told him.

"Hey! Are you two coming? We have to get out of here before Mr. Marsh will come back" Stanly said from the entrance

"Sure, Let's get out of here" I said and we all left

To be continued....

(Heya guys! How was that? I hope you like it, Please leave a comment and tell me what do you think, Love ya!)

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