Chapter 3 "Humuhumunukunuapua'a

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Dave: "Oh! I never told you?"

Jane: "No. you never told me. It's also not on your profile page lol."

Dave: "haha you're right. Well you'll never guess where I live!"

Jane: "I won't guess where you live?? Mmm ok, so give me a hint."

Dave: "somewhere we used to talk about moving to when we were younger. :)"

Jane: "Dave! We talked about moving to many places lol."

Dave: "yeah but there was one, this one we talked about the most! It was our dream to move here."

I sat back all the way on my chair and put my feet up thinking. "What was the one place we talked about the most?"

While I was thinking my mom came in halfway and told me to go to bed.
I looked at his last message and just went offline and went to bed.

Dave's POV

"I guess she went to bed."

Dave: "Goodnight Gummi bear. Sweet dreams."


The next day


I woke up to my alarm ringing
I looked to see the time 8:30am

I got up got dressed grabbed my stuff and went to work.

At work

Jane: "hi welcome to Starbucks! What can I get you?

Customer: "hello. I would like an venti iced caramel macchiato with extra whole milk and extra caramel drizzle please."

Jane: "alright. Would that complete your order?"

Customer: "yes. That'll be all."

Jane: "ok your total comes out to 4.15 at the window."

2 hours later On break

I ordered a drink and a little something to eat and sat at a table with an outlet so I can charge both my phone and laptop.

I opened my laptop to see a message from Dave.

Dave: "Goodnight Gummi Bear. Sweet dreams."

Jane: "hey sorry I went to sleep. I'm on my break right now. How'd you sleep?"

Dave: "I slept great. Where do you work?"

Jane: "that's good. I work at Starbucks lol."

Dave: "can you give me discounts? (Smirky face)

Jane: "haha no i'd lose my job. Sorry"

Dave: "haha no you're good. I don't want to be the cause of you losing your job."

Jane: "lol yeah. Sooo i can't remember what place we used to talk about moving to when we were younger. So could you just tell me? (Cheesy smiley face

Dave: "Hawaii. Honolulu Hawaii. That's where've used to talk about where we wanted to move to."

Jane: "OMG yeah!! I can't believe you moved there! You're two hours behind me. I remember we said we'd move there to eat all the humuhumunukunukuapua'a that there was!."

Dave: "haha yeah. You should come visit sometime! You're always welcomed. Where do you live?"

Jane: "yeah maybe I should. After graduation which is next MONTH! I'm excited. Lol I live in San Francisco. It's crowded here but I love it."

Dave: "it's nice there. I've never been but I've seen photos before. Yeah I can't wait til graduation! I just want school to be over.

I want to visit him. I should do a surprise visit some day.

I looked at the time and my 30minute break was over.

Jane: "hey I have to get back to work. I'll text you when I'm out."

I log off and went back to work.

After work

I went home to my parents gone. "I guess they're  still at work."
I texted my mom to let her know I was home but got no response.
It later got 4:30pm so I decided to make some dinner so when my parents get home there will be food ready.


"I can't believe they're not here! It's 6:20. They should've been here already!!"
I called my parents and asked where they were at

Mom: "sorry baby. Your father and I got held up at work. We are on our way right now."

Jane: "fine. I made dinner but it's cold now. Bye"

My parents got home we ate, talked about our day and I later went to sleep.

To be continued....
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