Chapter 1 "Found"

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November 14,

I got home from work, I threw myself onto the couch while throwing my stuff on the ground. As I did that I yelled,
"Mom, dad. You guys home?"

Complete silence

I got off of the couch and went upstairs to my room, threw my phone on my bed and changed into some sweats and a tank top.

I called my mom to see where she and my dad were at.

*phone ringing*

Mom: "Hello"

Jane: "Hey mom, where are you guys? I thought you'd be home when I got home from work!" I replied

Mom: "Oh sorry honey I forgot to tell you this morning that we'd be heading down to visit some friends the next town over."

In my mind I say
"I can't believe I'm going to be alone tonight!"
I then replied
Jane: "Oh. No worries mom. Be safe."

Mom: "Alright sweetheart, I'll let you go. We'll be getting home super late, so don't wait up tonight."

Jane: "ok mom, I won't. Have fun. I love you."

Mom: "I love you too. Bye bye."

*Hangs up*

I let out a big sigh and went to the kitchen, got some food and went back into my room.

I sat at my desk eating my food, opened my laptop and started watching BTS on Vlive.

1 hour later

I check the time at the corner of my laptop and said

"ITS ALMOST 8?. I should take a shower and head to bed."

I went into my bathroom leaving my laptop open.

I shower and come out of my bathroom walking into my room drying my hair with my towel.
I head to my laptop to put some music on while I change into my pajamas.

I saw that I had a message on Facebook.

I opened the message and it says
"Remember me?"

I think to myself with a concerned look on my face and say
"What the hell?!"

I clicked on his profile page to see if I recognized him. Looking through his pictures I say rubbing my mouth with my hand
"He doesn't look familiar!" "Who is this guy?"

I get upset at the fact that I couldn't figure out if I knew him or not.

I go back to the message and write him

Jane: "Umm hi. No I don't remember you.. sorry."

Dave: "it's me. Dave."

I think to myself
"Dave dave dave? I don't remember any dave."

Jane: "Dave who?"

Dave: "Dave. Dave Mercer, from when we were kids!"

I say out loud with a shocked face
"Dave Mercer?!"

I go back to his profile relooking at his pictures and was even more shocked at the fact that he didn't look the same. He looked like a complete different person.

Jane: "omg. Dave! What the heck! How are you?"

Dave: "I'm good, what about you Gummi bear!"

Gummi bear is a nickname he gave me when we were kids because I used to be obsessed with them.

Jane: "lol you still remember that?!That's so old. I'm good too."
laughing out loud while I sent that message

Dave: "lol, of course I remember! I gave you that nickname."

We talk a little more trying to catch up
I then look back at the time and it's 9:30.

Jane: "Hey I have school tomorrow and I have to wake up early. Text me tomorrow?"

Dave: "Yeah same. Alright I'll text you tomorrow.. I'm glad we got to catch up a bit. Goodnight sweet dreams Gummi bear :)"

Jane: "Me too. Goodnight, sweet dreams as well."

I close my laptop and threw myself on my bed. Staring at the ceiling I smile and say
"Dave freaking Mercer!"
I laughed and fixed myself into the sheets and slowly fell asleep.

Thanks for reading. This is my first story.. I hope you guys liked it. Please vote my story. Love you all :)

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