part 8

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   Suman opened her eyes with little unease. ...

  The place was quite unfamiliar. wasn't Maitri. .?

She was a bit scared. ..she took a quick glance around the tiny chamber. was flooded with medical equipments. ...

   She sighed as she was reassured herself to be in a medical unit of Maitri itself. ..

    She tried to recall what had happened to her. ..she thought her sudden collapse at Shravan's shoulders. ..a panic striken priya. ..a concerned shravan. ...

   While thinking him lifting her at his arms, suman felt warmth even at the freezing temperature. ..

She was surprised  to herself. .

' Why I held Shravan's hand. .? Even priya was there...why didn't I  chose her  .? I felt secured at his arms. .why. .? That eyes. ..! They were truly concerned. ..infact, more than that. ..why those eyes made me to trust him. .? Yes. ..i trusted him. ..but, why. ?'

   She couldn't decipher her thoughts on shravan. ...she fell tired and shut her eyes disabled. ..

    She tried to get up and noticed that she had a bandage in his right leg. ..

'Oh. god. operated leg. ..what happened actually. ..'

   She couldn't find anyone. ..just then, a nurse came in...she's an English woman by look. ..

   Suman's panic rose. ..she gulped. ..

'Am I  in right place. .? '

  The nurse neared her. ..and asked whether she's okay. ..her accent was purely British. ..

" yea..yeah. ..feeling better. .." suman stuttered. ..

The nurse checked the bandage  and nodded satisfactorily. ..

" Miss. Suman.'re alright completely. can go home. .."

" home. .? "  Suman asked puzzled. ..

  " yeah. Maitri. .." the nurse answered quietly. ..

Suman rolled her eyes in mere confusion. ..the nurse might have understood. ..

   She smiled firmly. .."Miss. Suman. ..this is a medical unit collaborately run by the permanent research stations of Antarctica ..we can treat the minor ailments here. ..thank god. hadn't an emergency. ."

" Oh. ..thank you. ...what happened to me actually. .? " She asked. ..

" it's quite strange that you had bleeding from your previously operated leg for no reason., let me inform your team to pick you up. .."

   Suman said yes to her...

Sooner, shravan came to pick up suman...

" suman. are you doing now. ? "   shravan gazed into Suman's eyes. ...

   The same caring eyes that made her to trust him. ..


  Suman turned  her gaze down  swiftly. ..

" better. .."  she smiled little. ..

His transparent sigh made suman to take a quick look on  him . was evident that he was worried much. ..

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