chapter 38

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       Shravan sat in sukla 's office with sullen and defiant look on his face. ..Ranjith stood beside incomprehensible. ...

   Sukla seemed perplexed and angry. ...

  " What were you thinking shravan. ..?vikram is not a pedestrian to whom you could throw the allegations just like that. ..don't pull out anymore stunts. .."

  Shravan clenched his chin, with an utmost attempt to suppress his outrage. ...His fist curled up in disgust. ..He continued to strive to be calm ..

  " Ranjith. ..if vikram is involving high profile crimes as you say,how is it that the home ministry doesn't know about it. .?Then, what are we doing here. you have any proofs against him. ..?"

Ranjith shook his head firmly. .."the answer is- no sir. .."

" then. ask me to get search warrant against vikram only because you have an assumption. .?"

     Shravan's patience ditched him at this point. ...

" enough uncle. ..."

Sukla stunned to see Shravan's outburst. ..until then, he hadn't been to his extreme rage. ..shravan was an army person who had set an example for the others. ..His emotional outburst while in uniform was a notable point, adding that he had addressed sukla as uncle. ..

   He understood that there's more than what he had thought. ..He waited for him to express. ..

   As time grew up, it seemed that there's no way shravan would vocalize. ..He was physically present, his orbs fixed to the blank wall with out even blinking ...sukla s deliberate cough brought him back from the reverie. ..

  " shravan. something bathering you. .?"   His tone resonanced their personal relationship rather than a higher officer. ..

      " you're right uncle. ..the law needs proof. ..a material ...that's what I need it now. .."

  Sukla flabbergasted, viewed Ranjith in a query. ..

Ranjith presented ramnath s audio tape and papers that were enough to say vikram s crimes. ...

" my goodness. ...!"

Sukla turned up shocked. ..

" uncle. ..I need your help. ..get me a search warrant against any cost  ..I will get something to prove his crime. .."

  Sukla 's forehead creased deeply. .. " I am afraid, I may not be helping you shravan. .."

  Shravan's sharp eyes gleamed at surprise. ..."but. ..why. .?"

" shravan. ..actually, ramnath was right. ..vikram would use his fame and money to slip away easily. need a strong evidence ...I can't demand  the home ministry to help you  with your hunch. .."

" hunch. .?"  Shravan stood up, kicking off the chair. ...

He pulled his cap out...saluted stiffened. . .." thankyou sir. .I am resigning my job from this moment. .."

    At a momentary pause, he turned up to the door to leave. ..

  Undoubtedly, sukla didn't expect this extreme reply from shravan. ..the word shock would be less to describe his status. ..even Ranjith didn't expected shravan to resign. ..

  " shravan. .."

      Sukla called by his name. ..He steadily forwarded to him,by  exhaling deeply. ..He knew that shravan was perceptive and highly intuitive. ..He had cracked so many high risk operations by going purely by his heart. be frank, shravan was one of the valuable possessions. ...

    " What should I do now. .?"  He asked gently placing his hands at his shoulder. ...

" uncle, we can't get official search warrant against vikram. And I know, it's highly impossible to get in to  his palace as it had its own guards. .."

    Sukla observed him keenly...

" get me included as a part of the security of Mr. Steve when he visits vikram tomorrow. .."

  Sukla stared at shravan as if he had lost his mind. ..

"Mr. Steve. ..the VP of UK. .?what will you gain by that.?"

    " uncle, we already had a sketch. ..if officially I am assigned to his security team, I will slip away discreetly and conduct a search for the premises to comeback with evidences. .."

   Sukla stared shravan and Ranjith worried. doubt that shravan and his team made any impossible to possible. ..but, that had been a different world. ..they had hunted down the enemies who were infront of their eyes. ..this was bigger and potentially more explosive. ...if shravan was wrong , vikram would destroy them both without any identity. ..even then, he wished to take risk, decided to play with them. ..

" what's your homework then. .?"

There's a satisfactory grin at shravan. ..

" uncle. ..Mr. Steve is here to sign up an aircraft carrier deal with our government. ..."

" yea. ..that's an official story. .."

" certainly. ..but, they had meetings several times previously in different countries. ...and I guess. wasn't only they both on game. ..papa gave a point that he's dealing with weapons., we should find the real fact between their periodic meetings. .."

"  And I  think. ..i would be returning with answers. ..if I ever return. ..."

Shravan pressed the last sentence with added pressure. ...

Ranjith moved ahead of him and nodded. ..

The duo's gesture told sukla clearly that they were cent percent ready for the mission. ..

" fine shravan.'re going at your risk. ..i will get you into the palace  with my personal account. ..but, I am not involving the home ministry in this issue until I get  a clear reason. .."

  Shravan nodded thankfully. ..

" once you are in the palace, you're on your own. ..if something goes wrong, I won't cover you this time. that understood. .."

  They both brought their palms to the forehead for a salute. . ..

" best wishes my boy. ..take care of you too. ..don't mess up with  him if you went wrong. remember.'re married now. .."

  For no reason shravan felt his father's love at this old man's words. ..He hugged him fondly , and promised. ..

" got it. ..but, I will find everything. ..i feel it on my bones. .."


  Hai.'s conspicuous that my readers are losing interest in this book. ..the dramatic fall of votes and comments spoke it loud. ..yea. ..this kind of adventure books are not everyone's favourite I accept. ..but, I am missing my regular readers too. ..may be, I am not upto what you really look for. ..let me try out my best somehow. ..your enthusiastic comments brought this book this far. ..only few more chapters to go. ..Please. ..give your positive vibes to me to do better. ..I would love to get your genuine responses. ...

Thank you so much. ..


Arulpirai. ..


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