chapter 16

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       "Shravan. .."

Suman knelt by him, she pulled him to sit in a upright position to ease the respiration. ..

   " shravan. ..listen to me. ..we're not going to give up. your eyes wide to be awake. ...huff faster. .."

     Shravan was listening to her. ..He was too fragile to take a single breath. ..He struggled to do so as he was undergoing some sort of  respiratory arrest. ...His eyelids started to close. ..

" no shravan. ..listen. ..listen. ...look at me. ...huff fastly. will stimulate your breath centre at brain. ..just huff ...we will do it together. ..come on. ..shravan. .."

  Suman shook him and encouraged him to huff. ..she did the same. ...

Shravan was almost gave up. was Suman's urge which made him to give a try. ...

    Once he began to breath faster, his laboured breath seemed to be normal. ...

" that's it shravan.'re a commando. ..don't give up. ..continue to huff. ..let's do it together. ...come on. .."

     As she was continuing, the rescue team arrived. ...the paramedics acted of them put an oxygen mask on his face. ..they arranged to shift shravan to the equipped medical unit. ..

     Shravan took two long pulls, pushed the mask ahead, and still gasping for air, looked up  at suman. ..His shiny eyes tearing. ...

" suman. ..I. .."

  Suman looked nervous. ..her tears broke out. ..she couldn't hold them anymore. ..

  Shravan's eyes wandered at her. ..they seemed to say her something which was really important. ..

    " su...Suman. .."

Shravan's voice came out feeble. ..

" What are you waiting for. ..? He is  struggling. .. make it fast. ..."

She yelled on account of fear. .


   Shravan was shifted to 'bharti ' which is the second research base of India. ..

  Bharti was 3000km away from Maitri. .. bharti is equipped with advanced technology and it was prefabricated  and recycled with the shipping construction. .hence, it can survive any kind of weather. ..


As shravan was intubated for artificial ventilation, suman detailed the doctors about the venoum

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As shravan was intubated for artificial ventilation, suman detailed the doctors about the venoum. ..

  Shravan was given muscle relaxants to prevent respiratory paralysis. ..

      After a prolonged struggle, the paramedics stabilised shravan. ..

  All through the time, suman couldn't stand by him and see his struggle. ...she walked out and involuntarily her eyes flowing. ..she didn't bather to wipe her tears even. ..her mind repeatedly pleaded. ..

" shravan. ..come back. ..shravan. ..comeback. ..."

She didn't know how many times she repeated those words. ..actually, they  weren't just words. .. a heartfelt chants. ...

  " he's stable. .."

Suman opened her eyes was when she  came back alive. ..

" thankyou doctor. ..may I see him. .? "

  " of course, but...He is on sedatives. 24 hours he would be alright. .."

Suman thanked him once again ....
She headed towards the room hurriedly. ..


  She pushed the door silently and went in. ...

She stood  at the foot end of the cot. ..

Shravan was covered with the electrical blanket till his neck. ..a large tube had  been inserted into his mouth to reach the lungs. .. intravenous fluid  was going into his nerves drop by drop. ..there was an awkward silence except the ventilator 's beep sound. ...

  Suman walked to his side and looked him. ..

" shravan.'s all because of me. came to rescue me and got into this...thank god. . are  fine. ..I can't imagine how I would have moved on if something had happened to you. ....."

She spoke herself from the heart and her tears trickled down ...

" shravan. ..I will be waiting for you. ..come back to Maitri soon. .."

She touched his cheeks and smiled. ...


As suman was on duty, she had to return to Maitri. ..

   Ranjith had informed the incident to the higher officers. ..

  As Ranjith was the only one available for the security, he had to stay there in Maitri itself. ..Daisy  went to bharti once and informed  everyone that shravan was recovering satisfactorily. ..

  Honestly, suman wasn't able to sit quite in Maitri. ..she was restless since shravan was admitted at bharti. ..

Daisy made suman to work on the samples in order to divert her mind. ..and suman too thought the same. ..

   The next day morning, Maitri was strangely busy. ..

There was a helicopter  and four commandos with his higher officer landed near Maitri. ..

   " sir. .."

Ranjith saluted the officer, he detailed the terrorist attack and Shravan's accident. ..

    Ramnath heard Ranjith at a higher officer's stand. ..His eyes were clear and his face regid. ..

" ikkkummm. .."

He cleared his throat with a army person's attitude. ..

" Ranjith. ..can you call ms. Suman. ..I just wanted to enquire her. .."

" sir. .."

Ranjith  nodded and suman was called. ...

" good morning sir. .."

Suman wished him formally. ..she eyed Ranjith and ramnath at unease. ..

Ramnath smiled at her...

" Miss. Suman Tiwari. ..I just wanted to ask you some questions as you were at the spot. ..nothing serious. ..okay. .."

Suman nodded yes ...

As ramnath was enquiring, Ranjith recorded it. ..

    As suman was explaining how shravan had struggled for breath, unknowingly her eyes teared. ..her voice choked. ..lips trembled, unable to continue with. ..

Ramnath took off his cap and closed his eyes. ..His mind visualised Shravan's struggle. .

   There he lost his guards. ..

  " shravan. ..."

He  called his name and a lone tear escaped his eyes. ...


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