Chapter 4: From Stress to Relaxation

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Guren met with Ceylan at the park and they started a conversation.

"So Guren" Ceylan said "The other guys and I were talking and we think you need some time to relax and get your mind off of Quarton, and we've entered all of us into a volleyball competition on the beach tomorrow." Guren knew Ceylan had a good point and decided he did need to relax. "Okay, but don't you need 5 people on a team?" "Yeah I know, besides we already have our fifth player." "Well see ya, and don't be late!!" Ceylan yelled as he got on his bike and rode away.

-The Next Day-

Guren met with the other guys and Mr. White at the beach. They started to show off their style and positivity, well almost everyone. Gen was the fifth person on our team, Team Tenkai. As the game began, the boys were doing a great job. Gen had spiked the ball and got the winning point, he even gave Guren an awesome high five. Guren's mind was completely empty. He had nothing to worry about, until just then when he saw that Beni had been watching the game the whole time. So, he decided to invite her over for lunch, but he knew she had trust issues, so she asked if they could eat alone, away from the other guys.

The boys were curious as to why she only wanted to eat with him. It didn't stop them from eating and going swimming, of course as always Gen was heading out and waved to the guys as he walked away.

"You were great out there", Beni said as she took a bite of her sandwich.

"Ahh, it was nothing. The other guys did most of the work." he said as he took a sip of his soda.

"Last night, when you said that things will get better, are you sure it will,  it's just"... Guren stopped her.

"Of course, here's the thing, when Chooki wasn't able to defend well at soccer practice, he ended up scoring the winning goal at the game because he kept trying whatever he could to change how he played. He said that it takes time to get used to something, but there is always one thing that can make it all change for the better." You just need to give it time" He tried to explain as best as he could.

"I think I get it" Well I better get going, se ya later" said Beni as she got up to leave.

Before walking off. "Hey Beni, the guys and I were just about to go rent some movies fro tonight, it's Movie Night at Chooki's house. Why don't you come as my plus one, okay." Guren asked hoping she'd say yes. "I mean you don't have to decide now, I just meant...

"I'd love to, Guren. Thank You" she said "Pick me up at 7:00?"

"Yep, that's what friends are for!" Guren says as he goes home to get ready for Movie Night.

-7:00 O'Clock-

Guren and Beni head to Chooki's house. "So, Toxsa got "The Swamp Bride and the Goblin Man"  ; Ceylan got "Laughing Your Deceased Head Off" Dance Edition; and Chooki got "The Coach's Son and the Score Keeper's Daughter." Guren explained.

"And what did you get?" Beni asked.

"I got that new horror movie, "The Gremlin Apocalypse" it's a scary movie about a girl who finds an adorable pet on her front porch. Everytime she feeds it starts to multiply in to these gigantic, life-sized monsters that rips the faces off of people and can turn them into into evil,  killer dolls.

"Oh.. I'm not good with super scary movies" she seemed afraid.

A concerned Guren thought of a way to keep her from being afraid. "Hey, don't worry, you'll have us there, so you can hide behind us during the really scary parts."

She felt better "Thanks, I 'm never used to being alone when it comes to watching movies that are kind of scary."

They walked up the driveway and knocked on the door.

There you are, we almost started the movie without you, um both of you?" Chooki was puzzled to see that Guren hadn't come alone.

"I hope you don't mind Chook, but I thought that she could use some company and needed to see a movie or two. Instead of being at home with nothing to do."

Choki was okay with the idea, "Not at all, the more the merrier." 

After watching Toxsa's movie, everyone wasn't really impressed & when Chooki's and Ceylan's movie came to an end, eveyone was getting more food, pillows and blankets & got comfortable on the living room floor to watch Guren's movie. It got really intense, the gremlin ate the little girl's head off leaving her body in a pool of gushing red blood. It was so gruling that all except Toxsa and Ceylan watched in horror and then started laughing out loud because it seemed funny to them.

Guren looked over to make sure that Beni was okay and she was terrified, so he decided to take her into a different room, at least the small hallway light was on.

"I' sorry, I didn't mean to freak you out, I should have chosen a less scarier movie." Guren exclaimed trying to calm Beni down. She was trembling in his arms, but started to relax. She could barely speak.

Guren thought is was best to take Beni home. To their surprise, the boys were sound asleep, so Guren let himself and Beni out. When they got to Beni's apartment, she asked him if he would stay the night with her. Seeing as tat she was still on edge he agreed and spent the night, only until Beni felt better. Beni didn't want to sleep in her room alone, so Guren slept with her: him sleeping on his back with Beni's arms wrapped tightly around his stomach and Guren with one arm behind his head and the other stroking her head and with that, they both drifted off to sleep.

I am really happy with this story. I will keep writing this until I can't of anything else to write

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