Calm Night

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The games were once again done for the day. You were waiting for Wendy outside. The two of you were going out for a night in the town to calm down after the day.

Wendy: "Ready to go?" You looked back to see Wendy in a dress you hadn't seen before. (A/N: The one above #Didn'tDraw).

You: "Of course." You offer your hand to her and she takes it.

After walking for a while you look over at Wendy to see her fiddling with her dress.

You: "Have I told you how cute you look?" You ask with a small smile to which she blushes to.

Wendy: "Th-thank you..." She mumbles as you chuckle and give her a quick peck.

You: "Lets get some cake." You stopped in front of a small bakery. "I know how much you hate sour things." Wendy turns bright red at that.

Wendy: "N-no! I love them!" You look at her with a raised eyebrow.

You: "Really?" Wendy seems to hesitate for a moment but quickly nods vigorously. "Then I guess we should enter that contest." You point toward a poster which hung on a candy shop window. It announced a sour candy eating game.

Wendy: "Th-that isn't necessary." She tried but you wrapped your arms around her.

You: "No, no. You love sour things and I want to make sure you're happy, Wendy." You could hear her gulp as you enter the candy shop. You speak to the manager about entering.

Wendy: "I'm really feel like eating cake." She tries again to escape. However, you just get close to her ear and whisper to her.

You: "Just say that I was right." You could feel Wendy shudder but she shakes her head.

After a moment, you and Wendy are on a table facing each other. Sour candy was at your feet as they told you to open the first pack. You went first, making sure to exaggerate a sour face. Wendy immediately started to pucker also.

You: "Just say it Wendy."

Wendy: "Never!" She then shoves a handful of the candy into her mouth. You watch as her cheeks go red and then her face goes blue.

You: "Wendy? Are you alright?" You walk over to her only for her to fall unconscious. "You should have just done what I asked."

After apologizing to the manager and paying, you carried Wendy out of the store. She woke up halfway back. You looked at her to see tears in her eyes.

Wendy: "Sorry I ruined tonight." She turns away from you but you moved her face toward you with a finger you managed to free.

You: "You didn't ruin anything." You sit down on a bench and wipe her tears away. "You are the only reason that this night was worth while. Spending time with you, holding you close, is the best thing I can ask for."

Wendy: "Thanks (Y/N)." You shook your head.

You: "I let you go last time but you have to thank me right this time." Wendy blushes slightly but gives you a brilliant smile.

Wendy: "Alright." She leans in and you do the same. You both kiss under to bright full moon.

--------------Chapter End---------------

(A/N): I'm alive! And sneezeit, this chapter is for you buddy! I hope you enjoy!

Glad Signing off!

Wendy Marvell x Male Dragon Slayer Reader Where stories live. Discover now