Part 13

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"Ahh!", I held my head once again and a really thumping pain felt. I moved my eyes here and there and saw that I was on the hospital bed.

The nurse sitting by the wall immediately called the doctor. My father followed doctor in my dorm. The doctor fastened the tests and gave prescriptions, "there is a small fracture in your left thumb and little bruisses on forehead and shoulder. Nothing to worry about, everything will heal you just have to take medicines properly. Apply this cream everyday until the bruisses finally disappear." Dad escorts him out of the room and comes to talk to me.

"Son. I was worried sick."

"Dad, I am fine. How is Amanda? Where is she?" dad was silent. He was staring at the floor and some sad feeling gushes all over my body. His such reaction got me worried so I nearly shouted on him demanding for an answer.

"Amanda-she-is-.she is in coma."

"No. this can't be happening." I ran my fingers in my hair. "Take me to her. Now. Dad."

After peeping into every room, panicking, I saw Amanda. She was covered up with bandage all over her body and some wires were attached to her chest and stomach. Some machines were beeping as she inhales. A huge ventilator was beside her bed. Some clips were attached to her fingers. I went inside to take a close look. Her face was a little damaged. Her one eye was bluish-green with the hit of something really hard.


"she has got badly hurt. Her ribs are broken. And something very hard hit her head so she is in coma. We have removed all the glass pieces. Some wounds are very deep. She needs continuous watch and constant checkup." Tears left my eyes seeing Amanda's condition.

"this is all because of me. I am fucking responsible for this." I cried.

"Son. Come on lets go out I need to talk with you." Dad calmed me a little. I put my head on his shoulder. Somehow his shoulder and a pat was enough for me to stop crying, atleast for now. "Son, do you remember the car which was crashed with yours?" I nodded in response. "There were two people in that car. One of them died. And the other is a lady. I don't remember her name. what was it? Ahh. Miss Evans. She is still unconscious." As his lips blurted Katie's name I was left in uttered shock. I tried to process every single word his mouth just left.

"No. Wait. What?" I finally found my voice. "Take me to her."

A lady in her forties was pacing in front of a room. Constantly checkingbfor any responses from other side of the room.

"You. Are you Mr. Miller's son? It was your car isn't it? Because of you my daughter is lying in this hospital. You son of a bitch." To what she just said it was easy to understand that she was her mother. She was angry. Really angry and was hitting my shoulder.

"Watch your mouth ma'am." My dad said. "We will pay every penny for her treatment."

"What? You are bribing me now? Will your money return me my son-in-law?" she spat poison.

I was standing there. Silent. Not a single word left my mouth. I peeped through the circular window on the door to see her. there were wires all over her body but less than that from Amanda's.

"ma'am, we also have lost a dearest friend of ours. It is not only you that has to face this loss." The women sniffed all air she could take in to calm herself. But still tears were rolling down.

We were all standing beside Katie's bed. She was still unconscious. Her mother took her hand in hers and was staring at her condition. Soon Katie was up. She made a movement and called her mother's name. every ear in the room stood up. soon I called the doctor to check her up.

The doctor checked her eyes and tongue. Katie was a little afraid of all of us and I don't know why.

"mom, who are these people?" frown visible on her still beautiful face.

"don't you know these people here?", the doctor pointed at me and my father.

"No", she stated firmly "for how long was I passed out?" okay. Now everyone was shocked at this query of her. did she not remember me? Or why she is in this hospital bed?

"this is Mr. Anderson Miller, Katie. He is here to see you. And you are in this bed for 2 days." Doctor said her checking her pulse. "Mr. Anderson I need to talk to you for a moment." We had a small talk I asked him what has happened to her and by his answer I was shook. "hell! She lost her memory? How long will it take for her to recover?" I asked

"yes. She lost her memory. And I think this is very critical time for her too. She needs to be kept safe and away from all the worries. Try not giving her any kind of mental or emotional burden. She will be able to remember everything on her own if god mercies on her, or she might be not able to gain her memory too. Can't say anything of it now."

We both went inside. Her mother was staring at me with a question mark on her face and a little worry. She caught that something was wrong with her daughter.

"Katie, we need to perform some tests on you to check for any other injuries and then you will be discharged tomorrow morning." Doctor specified. Doctor took her blood sample before injecting her with anesthesia.

"that would be great doctor. Do everything and anything you want. I don't want to leave any loose strands regarding her health." I left the dorm with doctor soon dad and Katie's mother followed us. Her mother eyed me and I explained her everything doctor told me. She was grounded and worried; sobbing. "dad please drop this lady at her house. And you also take rest. I will be waiting here with Katie."

"no. I want to wait with my daughter. God knows what you will do with her more. You are no lucky for her."

"ma'am. There are nurses here and professional doctors also. I will make sure that Katie is under strict surveillance." I assured her.

Later dad and her mom left the hospital. I was in Katie's room. I sat on the chair staring at her peaceful face. The day passed and Katie did not woke up whole night due to that injection. I don't even remember when I fell asleep only to be woked up by the sound of Katie and her mother talking.

"hey when did you woke up? What is the time? Hello auntie", I said rubbing my eyes. No one replied to me. Her mother was angry and Katie was still unaware of who I was. The doctor came in with the reports. He said waving those in air, "everything is fine with Miss Katie. No other major injury. She hit her head with some hard material so she has lost her memories of last 2 years. But she will be recovered with some medical care. The discharge papers are at the counter. I need you to complete some formalities at the reception", he turned at Sr. Miller. 

I extended my hand towards her ,"Katie you will be staying with me. Come on lets hurry now."-Jr. Miller.

"No. this much help of yours is sufficient for my daughter. She will be more safe with me", her mother curted.

"look ma'am, I know you are angry because of me but this is just for her. I will keep her safe in every aspect and as doctor said she needs rest and needs a little change so that she needs not to strain her brain. She will be done with every single medical checkup with the best doctors. You can also stay with us." And thank god she agreed to whatever I said and didn't argued much. It was easy. See!
Nothing is impossible for Anderson Miller.


Hola amigo people! Thankyou for sticking with the book. And also a lots of thank you that you voted this chapter/book.

All your sweet words really make my day. To read comments now has become a important part of my routine. Thank you for all the good comments but also there are rude ones. But who cares this is my book and i will drive it as i want.

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