Chapter Two

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Felix ^

Chapter Two~

Felix walked between the two wolves in case another fight broke out while they headed back to their den. It wasn't a typical wolf den, but a cabin with a secret basement that led to an intricate system of rooms and tunnels.

"Ugh, you guys are gonna stress Bangchan with this," Mumbled Felix as they approached the cabin.

Small, cold, colourless and ominous. Only curious kids would enter, and that wasn't very often, so it was safe for the most part. He stepped carefully through the aged doorframe, hearing his friends morph back into their human forms as he did so. They helped him move the carpet in the middle of the floor aside, lifted the hatch in the floor, and poked their heads into the abyss.

"Bangchan! You down there, bro?" Felix called at the darkness.

There was a distant scuffle and his smiling face emerged at the hatch. Felix reached out for his hand and pulled him out. He had silver hair, small cheek dimples, eyes that loved to smile with him, and a matching Australian accent like his brother Felix.

"What's up?" He asked, looking over his shoulder at the other two. "Those looks on your faces are telling me you've done something wrong, huh?"

Felix sighed, stood beside his brother and faced their friends. Hyunjin, long black hair, pretty eyes and sass for days. Minho, messy brown hair, and despite having a baby face, would fight anyone. They both wore an expression of annoyance.

"Tell me, we'll sort it out, don't worry." Said Bangchan gently, nodding at them. "What's happened?"

Hyunjin and Minho swapped nervous glares and Minho stepped forward to speak. "I was out doing rounds of the forest, when I saw Hyunjin passing a ball back a forth with a human girl."

Bangchan frowned. "So?"

"In his wolf form," Minho added.

Bangchan glanced at Hyunjin with his brows raised. "Come on, mate, why? Seriously?"

"It didn't start like that. Her ball came into the forest and she was looking for it and I was trying to plant it behind her, but she turned around and caught me. I let it roll to her and she passed it back to me and I just did the same--you wanna know what this idiot did?" He sassed, pointing at Minho. "He tried to kill her!"

"Well--we-well Felix told her what we were, I heard him!" Minho shoved the blame onto him.

"You little shit," Felix said with disbelief. "What was I supposed to say?! You guys were fighting in front of her and she was born here, she knows there's no wolves! Let alone giant wolves!"

"All right, stop!" Bangchan raised his voice, lifting his hand to quieten them down. "First of all, Hyunjin, I get on your part it was a mistake and we're all tired 'cuz of the full moon last night, but don't slip up like that in front of another human again, all right?" Hyunjin nodded in response, so Bangchan continued. "Minho, why would you try to kill an innocent girl?"

"She saw--"

"It's rhetorical!" He exclaimed. "We don't kill people unless they're trying to kill us! Don't let me hear this happening again. Go into the den and don't come out until tomorrow night."

Minho growled but obeyed. When he disappeared down into the shadows, Bangchan turned to Felix. "And you--"

"I know, I know, don't tell people. She just looked so shocked, I was worried she'd go insane."

Bangchan heaved a huge sigh and nodded. "All right, well, I have an apartment to look at in ten minutes. Changbin is in charge while I'm gone." He was half way out of the door when he looked over his shoulder and added, "Behave."

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