Chapter Six

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Jeongin ^

Chapter Seven~

"You're not going crazy, just tell me what you heard. We can figure this out, don't worry." Bangchan said consolingly.

Remi looked over Bangchan's shoulder where the rest of the pack stood in silence. They were listening, watching. She grew more nervous every second she felt their stares on her face.

"Do you want to talk to me alone?" He asked gently, as if noticing her anxiety spike.

Remi kept her eyes to the floor and nodded. Truthfully, she didn't mind if Felix stayed around, but as to not show favourites, she said nothing and listened until the door of the apartment closed.

"I think I am going crazy, though." She whispered into the quiet room. "I heard my best friend's voice say 'Remi, I'm here' from the trees when we were by the road..."

Bangchan's brows threaded together as he pulled an expression of confusion. "I don't understand--"

"She killed herself three years ago."

His expression fell, his face turned pale. Judging from that, she knew that she really was losing her mind.

"I... Um, I don't know what that means--"

"Don't lie to her, Bangchan." One of the boys said from behind the door.

The two of them looked at the front door when it opened. Minho stood in the door frame with Jeongin and Hyunjin peeking in behind him.

"She has a right to know." He added.

Remi found herself being surprised that Minho even cared, since he'd very clearly wanted to kill her previously. She looked at Bangchan as he looked back at her, and gave a weak sigh of defeat.

"It's a known sign of bitten werewolves that are waiting for their first shift to hear and see things, because their mind isn't processing the venom, and those werewolves have never made it through the full moon." He explained quietly.

She guessed as much, but all she could think about was her cat and Hyunjin. He was standing behind Minho, probably feeling sick with guilt more than ever. Now she was finally showing signs of how weak she was--unable to survive something men could.

"This is sad..." She mumbled. "Hyunjin," She called, turning her head back to the door. He was gone.

Her heart sank. She jumped up and rushed towards the door, where Minho and Jeongin moved aside without her needing to ask. He was half way down the corridor to the left. She ran after him, ignoring Felix's and Bangchan's calls for her to come back.

"Hyunjin, wait! Wait, wait, it's OK!" She exclaimed as she grabbed him by his bicep and turned him around to face her.

His eyes were on the floor, but Remi saw the tears on his cheeks despite how his hair covered most of it. He felt horrible, she could see it in his face, hear it in his throbbing heart.

"I'm so sorry," He whimpered, wiping his tears away. "I-I didn't mean for this to happen--I didn't mean to bite you so hard, I'm--"

"I told you before that it's OK, Hyunjin. I don't want you to feel like this about it." She motioned towards his tears. "You gave me longer to live rather than letting me die in the moment, didn't you? I know how guilty you must feel--hey, look at me!" She grabbed his face with her hands as he looked away, and pulled him down to her height. "I'm going to die." She stated confidently, staring into his gorgeous brown eyes welled with tears. "I don't blame you, I'm not holding it against you. I promise. Believe me, and remember you saved me."

Remi felt his warm cheeks heat up more, and she could hear how rapidly his heart was beating. Still guilty, she told herself. She meant everything she said; she didn't hold it against Hyunjin and never would. He was sweet enough to save her, a random girl, from Minho, a close pack member.

"I'm sorry, too," Came that same close pack member's voice.

She glanced over her shoulder to see him a few feet away, hands in his jean pockets, cold eyes softened for once as he stared at her. An apology from Minho made her feel better about the doom hanging over her head.

"We've had really bad experiences with humans finding out about us, it's how we ended up here. I shouldn't have tried to kill you as the first resort, but you had the same expression on your face that all the others did before they tried to kill us. I was scared. I'm sick of moving countries. It's not a good excuse, and I'm sorry I put you in a situation where Hyunjin had to bite you." He explained quietly, then looked up at Hyunjin. "I'm sorry for making you feel this way."

Remi smiled a little. "I was told you like cats--"

"No, I love them." He corrected, giving her a cute smirk.

She nodded, relieved. "I'll accept your apology on one condition,"

"What's that?" He crossed his arms over his chest, smiling.

"You'll look after my cat when I die. I will take you to meet her later if I make it through college today." She said.

Minho appeared saddened slightly, but nodded with a smile. "Of course I will."

Remi smiled back and looked behind him. The others were gathered not far behind, smiling, watching. 

"You ready for college, Jeongin?" She asked the puppy of the pack.

Jeongin grinned nervously and gave her a strong nod. She fastened her backpack over her shoulder and left the apartment complex with Jeongin and Bangchan, who decided to tag along so Felix could get some sleep. He wanted to walked the two of the to the campus, but Bangchan refused his offer and said he would do it himself. Something about Felix losing sleep, though he didn't specify why.

It was a gloomy day outside. Drizzly rain forced Remi's messy head of hair to turn frizzy. Bangchan assured her she still looked beautiful. The streets were loud with traffic, irritating Remi's newly found heightened hearing, and stirred up a bad headache. At the same time as her sudden headache, she found a couple of questions swimming around the back of her mind that she wanted to ask Bangchan, about why bitten females didn't survive becoming a werewolf. She battled with her headache, which the daylight made worse by stabbing her eyes like pins, all while trying to decide whether she should ask him now or later. There was no guarantee that she would make it past college, she reminded herself cruelly, especially if she saw those bullies bothering Jeongin again.


"Yeah?" He replied.

Remi glanced up at him, but realised she was on the campus grounds now. She sighed and rolled her aching eyes.

"Never mind, I'll text you my questions." She said to him tiresomely. "See you later,"

"Bye, ma brotha!" Jeongin playfully punched Bangchan's arm and joined Remi's side, where he was clearly waiting for her to walk through college with him.

Before she started the college day,  she turned to face Bangchan and gave a feeble smile. Bangchan eyes softened as a smile stretched his lips, and he opened his arms out for her a little. Remi didn't need to think about it--she wanted a hug--she needed a hug. Remi walked into his arms and felt all of her senses steer away from overdrive when Bangchan's muscles tensed up around her body. She fought tears; she'd never felt so cared about for a long time, not since her best friend killed herself.

"Thanks for looking out for me, Bangchan." She said in a whisper, fighting the urge to cry even more.

"I'll always look out for you, for as long as you live, little wolf. I'm so sorry it has to be this way." His voice cracked towards the end of his words.

Tears finally fell from Remi's eyes.

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