Chapter Four

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Bangchan ^

Chapter Four~

Minding one's business was usually for the best, for their own safety, but today Remi wasn't particularly in a good mood, especially given she didn't have as long to live as she'd originally been told.

So, when she left campus and strolled past a  group of three girls and two boys that were picking on the new kid, she formed a quick bucket list in her head. Right at the top of that list was to speak up . Remi knew it was risky by the way she already felt angry, but she wouldn't turn a blind eye to bullying. Teenagers were supposed to be better than this. What were they, twelve?

"Hey," She pronounced herself and snapped around, taking a few steps closer to the group. A strong whiff of a familiar scent whirled up her nostrils.

The five bullies and one victim drew their attention to her. They all looked around Remi's age, irritating her even further. How immature were nineteen-year-olds these days?

"What?" Spat one of the girls.

"Why are you bullying someone at our age? We're adults, and you're acting like uneducated little twats." She spat back, bringing her arms up to cross them over her chest. "If the teachers caught wind of this, you'll all be kicked out. Pathetic at your age, isn't it?"

The five of them exchanged looks and a few laughs of disbelief, only raising Remi's anger more.

"Didn't anyone tell you it's best to mind your business?" Glared the blond boy. 

"I usually do, but not when I see this," She motioned towards the boy they were bothering. 

The black haired girl stepped forward and pushed Remi's shoulder. "Just piss off or--"

"Or what?" She pressed with a light smirk, though her anger shot up a couple levels at being touched. The girl lifted her hand to push Remi again, but she snatched her fingers and bent them backwards with no remorse; the girl screamed. "Try it again--go on. Try it--"

Blondie grabbed Remi's hoodie and yanked her forward, only to be taken down when she headbutt him in the chin, at the same time pushing the girl to the floor with him.

"Keep trying if you want, but I've been in boxing class since I was seven. Come on," She motioned them forwards, prepping herself by raising her fists and placing her feet in a proper stance.

Amused, adorable, black-haired, the boy they were bullying laughed until his dimples marked his cheeks. The pure innocence and relief on his face slightly cooled the burning rage soaring through her veins. She paused all thoughts, sucked in a slow and deep breath, then exhaled. In the midst of the bullies helping their fallen friends, Remi reached out for the boy's hand and ran.

The two of them ran and ran in silence for six minutes until Remi realised she wasn't getting tired or even losing her breath. Rather than impressing her, it freaked her out. Werewolves existing, her life constantly on the line, it became more and more real as she discovered these little things.

"Thank you for that,"

Remi wasn't listening as he spoke some more, but instead looking around to see where she'd pulled him to. It was the park by her house. How did she get here in six minutes? It was at least a half an hour walk--and she was sure she'd ran in the opposite direction to avoid being followed by the bullies. It was as if she'd been pulled to the park. The boy kept blabbering on behind her, but it all sounded like white noise to Remi as she started to panic. Again, the realisation that everything was true began to bounce around her head. 

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