Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven~

Remi stared at the ceiling of her bedroom as she lay spread out like a starfish on her bed. Since Hyunjin's visit yesterday, and his help in scattering Buttons' ashes, she'd felt a lot better, but still too down to get herself to college. The last thing she wanted to see was the faces of all the teachers and students she hated, but she hoped Jeongin was all right if he had being going by himself.

She craved the pack's company and wanted a nice, warm Bangchan hug, so she forced herself up to get ready to leave, and felt around on her chest to make sure the tiny cork bottle that held some of her pet's ashes was there. Gripping it tightly in her hand, she tied her converse laces and ran down the stairs

"Where are you going?" Asked the voice she'd grown to hate.

She turned on her brother with her hand on the front door. "What the hell are you doing out of the hospital?" With broken ribs, he should have been in there for at least another week.

"They discharged me--the break isn't as bad as we thought,"

"He's lying." Said the disembodied voice of Ellie.

Remi looked in her immediate vicinity frantically. The boys had to be right--Ellie mustn't have been human while she was alive, and was somehow communicating with her from the other side. She refocused her eyes to see her brother staring at her suspiciously, but he no longer mattered to her. He killed Buttons; she didn't care that it was an accident. She pushed the handle down and faced the opening front door, when his hand snatched her forearm.

"There's no way you could have the strength to break my ribs--"

Remi yanked her arms out of his grip and spun around to glare him down. "I'm not a kid, Ethan. I have won every fight I've had, including all the ones we had when we were younger. Do you think I'd go easy on you because you're my brother? You lost the right to have my mercy when you ran over my cat!"

"It was an accident!" He snapped at her. "Get over it! It's just a cat! How could you put a insignificant animal above a human?! A family member!"

Tingles ran across her arms and her knuckles started to burn. "There's no such thing as 'just a cat' or 'just an animal'. They always matter to someone. I care about her more than you, mum or dad. I hate all three of you, don't forget that the next time you try and pull the family card." Remi had no idea how she managed to say anything calmly.

"You're such a brat," He hissed. "You don't get what you want and you suddenly hate all of us?"

A metallic taste filled her mouth the longer she stared at his stupid face. "You mean love? Affection? Something I wanted, though, right? Not something anything with a fucking heart needs! I'm leaving," She stated plainly, nibbling on her tongue a few times to hurt herself, in hopes she would calm down. "Stop me one more time, and I'll make sure you don't leave that hospital so quickly."

Just when she thought she would finally get out of the door, Ethan muttered that the cat deserved to die to escape Remi. Her neck twitched to the side as a switch seem to flip deep within. She was well aware of her next moves, and yet it felt as though she had no control over her hands when they pounded into his face. After a few punches, she realised he wasn't fighting back. She paused, fist raised in the air for the next attack, when a thought crossed her mind that she'd killed him. Her heart juddered. His face was covered in his own blood, his nose bending in a weird direction. She held her breath for a moment and looked at his chest. It rose with a breath, so she glanced up at his face again. She wasn't sure if she was relieved or disappointed. But then she was sure of her emotions when his eyes opened.

Every fibre of her body went stiff, which he seemed to enjoy as he smirked. Could he sense her shock? 

"You're not the only one with new strength, little sis." He said darkly and moved so quickly that she couldn't jump from her shock in time.

The glowing gold of his eyes flickered before something sharp pierced her in the stomach. Remi gasped in pain and swayed to the floor. Ethan got to his feet with ease, wiping at his mouth and fixing his crooked nose. Remi grimaced at the sounds of torn flesh and cracked bone being messed with.

"Who bit you?"

"Pfft," Ethan shrugged. "I don't know. I woke up to some masked guy in the hospital last night and he explained things to me. I thought a mental patient had escaped the crazy people ward. Nope. Realised he wasn't lying when I woke up and my ribs felt fine." He went on. 

Remi stared at him in disbelief. He seemed so unhinged now, but she got the feeling he wouldn't lunge at her with another sharp object. So, she staggered to her feet and checked her stomach. A small pocket knife was sticking out of her bleeding flesh. She pulled it out with a slight moan of discomfort, and tossed it at her brother's feet.

"I can't believe you stabbed me..." She whispered.

Ethan looked at her like she was insane. "You literally broke my ribs a week ago and just broke my nose!"

"Yeah, but I didn't use a weapon!" She snapped back. "Pussy--"

"Who bit you?" He demanded.

Remi huffed at him. "I told you I saw wolves in the park, didn't I?"

He frowned at her. "So... this is real?" He mumbled at the floor. "Do you know who bit you?"

There was no way she would tell her brother anything ever again, so she shook her head. "Look, I suggest you stay home for a while and avoid me, because I really want to kill you. I'm going for a run, clean your blood up. And remember this along with that I hate you all--we're still on the same side here, so keep your mouth shut."

Sorry for such a long delay with an update. It was ramadan so I was tired and I still am. I've uploaded a new book on Wattpad, but it's my real none fanfiction work that I'm sending to publishers. If you wanna read it, I'd love to hear your thoughts!

- Ghost

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