Chapter Twelve (rewritten)

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^ Felix & Chan ^

Chapter Twelve~

"Say again?" Jisung demanded. "Your brother... was bitten? And he doesn't know by who?"

"Pretty much, yeah--"

"What do we do?" Minho asked Bangchan.

"As in what?" Remi raised her voice. "You wanna kill my brother?"


"Yes!" Minho snapped at Hyunjin. "He was bitten by one of the wolves that followed us here, it's obvious. The possible teacher, even. This is going to become a battle between two packs." He turned to Remi as he continued. "You got in the way of them trying to kill Jeongin--twice. They've definitely done this to mess with you now."

The maniacal excitement in Ethan's eyes ran past her vision again. It was true, whoever bit him did it to get back at her for getting involved, but she was more concerned about how her brother was going to behave now. The lessons from Bangchan, the things she had seen with her own eyes since the bite, it all taught her that some people weren't cut out to be anything other than human. Bad people became worse as Werewolves. Remi had never doubted her brother, but he had a nasty streak, he always had. She recalled several attempts on his behalf to embarrass, bully, and seriously wound her as they grew up. Teenage-hood changed their relationship for the better, but Werewolf-hood was definitely going to reverse it.

"We kill, only when they try to kill us." Bangchan said to the room, then looked over at her. "He stabbed you, right? What do you take from that?"

"Payback." She shrugged. "I did break three ribs and fractured his collarbone--"

"He ran over your cat--" Minho argued.

"She's not saying he didn't deserve the beating," Said Felix. "She's saying he stabbed her for basically crippling him, well, before he became one of us and healed."

"And it was a tiny knife, my piercings hurt more." She brushed it off.

"Your nose one hurt? I went with you, you said you felt nothing." Changbin frowned.

"Yeah, sure, my nose." She chuckled, smiling at Jeongin when he looked up curiously, his eyes trailing her body. It was the first time he had seemed interested in anything since the murders.

"Ears?" Seungmin and Felix asked in sync.

Remi looked around at the boys, unable to hold in her laugh. "Guys, does it matter? We need to focus on the fact that my brother is in the pack of lunatic murderers--"

"OK, OK, but, like, where's this painful piercing?" Bangchan said with a cheeky smile.

"Piercings. I'd show you, but it'd be considered flashing--"

"It's only flashing if we don't wanna see it--"

A door slammed. All heads turned. Jeongin was gone. The curiosity the others held clearly wasn't a good enough distraction. She followed without needing to think about it. Before successfully surviving the first shift, Hyunjin was her concern. And now, it was Jeongin. He was older than her by four years, but his soft nature when they first met often made her forget the age gap, and she couldn't help but feel responsible for him and his feelings.

By the time she got to the bottom floor of the apartment complex, he was gone. She followed his scent for a while, but it didn't do much since she could see him across the road, half way through the park field, heading towards the trees. She jogged to catch up with him, almost slipping at the entrance of the trees when the soggy Earth tripped her up.

"I don't need to be babysat, Remi." 

Remi glanced to her left, where he sat beside the mound of ashes and burnt sticks from getting rid of the evidence of his murders.

"I know, I just..." She trailed off when he looked up at her, his sharp, fox-like eyes silencing her for a long moment. Something in his stare reminded her that she was talking to a man, and not a boy. "I'm worried about you."

"Yeah," He mumbled, tossing a stone onto the ash pile. "I'm worried, too."

A weak branch snapped under her foot as she walked over to him, and took a seat on his right. They sat cross-legged, knees pressed together, and stared at the smokeless pit in front of them. 

"Wanna talk about it?" She asked quietly.

Jeongin's stare into the ashes broke when he blinked, and turned his head to the side to look at her tenderly. "There's nothing to talk about. Guilt dies eventually--"

"You don't have any reason to feel guilty over murdering these bastards, Jeongin. They killed you, and tried to again--"

He laughed a little. "I don't feel guilty about killing them."

"Then what's bothering you?"

Jeongin drew in a long, rattling breath, and sighed. "I've known our pack members for... about seven years. They always looked out for me, and still do. They saved me five months ago, and we came here to escape the troubles my revenge caused. I've been followed. They won't stop at me. You died in front of me, because of me." He looked at her, and she looked at him. "I didn't want to put the guys in a situation where we had to leave again, but I didn't decide on the right thing, and you found me on the roof. I wanted to join Hyunjin and jump with him when you stopped breathing. You died because of me, and our pack is going to be attacked until I'm dead. It's messing with me, the guilt."

Remi tutted a bit, and wrapped an arm around his broad shoulders. "Come here, silly. They love you, they will fight for you. And that goes for me, too, OK? There's no point running in a pack if you deal with shit by yourself. We have your back." He eased into her, and she left a soft kiss on his cheek, ruffling his fluffy locks as she did so. She felt his dimple appear under her lips.

They pulled away a moment later. Jeongin's cheeks were flushed red, and an outline of the pink Chapstick she wore stained his lower jaw. Their eyes met, and she gave him a sheepish smile, apologising for the stain she left on him. And before she knew it, their faces were close, her heart was racing. His dark eyes were so beautiful, so golden in the rays of sun that highlighted the ground around them, and he kissed her.

I'm back!!! It's been two years... sorry DX



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