Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine~

"We killed two people... Right, so... Um, we can deal with this, it's fine--"

"Don't say we." Jeongin grumbled on the couch. "I did it... It's my fault..."

"We're in this together, you know that." Said Bangchan. "I know it's hard to cope with, taking a life, but they were trying to kill you, Jeongin. You saved your own life, remember that before you let the guilt eat at you."

Remi and the boys nodded in agreement with Bangchan's words. Jeongin, such a sweet, harmless puppy, killed in self defence. And although he'd also killed his bullies in the past, Remi wished she could talk some sense into him now. Killing was wrong, but each person he'd killed had tried to kill him--and for the first set of bullies he had killed, they actually succeeded in doing so. A pack of idiot teenage werewolves picking on a helpless human boy--they sure as hell deserved their fate.

When Jeongin didn't respond, Remi spoke up. "What do you guys usually do when you've killed someone?"

"Run away." They all said in sync.

"Seriously?" Remi frowned. "You don't just dump the bodies and call it a day?"

"It's never been that simple. Other werewolves can sniff them out," Minho gestured towards the two dead bodies on the floor. "And like Jeongin said, one of your teacher possibly sent these two out to kill Jeongin. The teacher will find them--"

"Burn the bodies," Remi shrugged. "You can't keep running away."

"Especially since you survived the shift..." Felix said, looking over at Bangchan. "Right? We're not going to leave her here on her own, right?"

He shook his head instantly. "Of course not, but we can't ask you to leave your life behind and runaway with us either..." He said to her. "We'll have to burn the bodies and see where that gets us. Somehow, we'll find the teacher, kill them, and this will be over."

Remi nodded. "Good, because I'm not leaving my cat. Ever."

The boys shared a chorus of chuckles and smiled around at each other, except Jeongin, who stared at the door bodies like a lifeless doll. When no more ideas proved to be any help, they carried the bodies out of the cabin and started a fire in the middle of the woods, far enough away from the town that the smell of smoke and burning flesh wouldn't attract people. While Changbin and Bangchan fanned the flames and threw several sticks onto the pile in attempts to enlarge the blaze, the others sat around the fire and watched.

Remi stayed with Jeongin and refused to let go of his hand. Though she'd never taken a life, purposely or not, she didn't doubt how crippling his guilt was. The last thing she wanted was for him to jump into the fire and end it all. He needed comfort and reassurance that he wasn't alone, that it wasn't his fault, that those boys bothered him first because they wouldn't let go of their past. Weirdly enough, none of it had shaken her up. Seeing blood and shredded skin. She'd watched too many gore videos, played too many violent games, and scarred herself for something like this to faze her. And in a miraculous turn of events, she had managed to survive her first shift. Life was going to change now, even more than before. A few dead bodies was the least of her worries.

A scuffle to her right snapped her back into reality. She glanced up to see Hyunjin taking a seat beside her.

"Are you OK?" He asked her quietly, giving her a shy smile. "I realised we were all too busy stressing over the bodies that we haven't checked on you."

Remi smiled back at him, feeling a light warmth grow in her cheeks. "I'm OK. Thank you, Hyunjin. I'm glad I gained consciousness in time... I would have killed you if you'd jumped off that roof... even if you had died doing it... I would have killed you again."

Hyunjin looked away from her, his smile fading, his eyes reflecting the flames in front of them. "I... you know... that guilt... no, there was no way I would have been able to live with that..."

"But I told you before," She reached out and patted his knee. "I don't blame you. It was an accident."

"I know, but that doesn't mean I didn't feel guilty..." He glanced down at her hand on his knee.

Embarrassed, she quickly moved it back to her lap. "Sorry,"

He seemed to scrabble for words and stared at her hand. "I'm glad you survived,"

Remi looked at him as he looked at her. A stupid time to think so, but his eyes were so pretty and reminded her of comfort. "Me, too."

Silence. Remi went to face forwards again, but Hyunjin scooped up her hand in his and held it gently. She fought with herself on whether or not she should have looked at their hands, but... she suddenly felt shy, and decided to stare at the fire. Her heart skipped a few beats, her face felt exceptionally warm, and she didn't want to disturb the peace her brought her.

Two hours passed and the smell from the burning bodies destroyed Remi's appetite completely, and she decided it was time for her to go home. It was the first time she had let go of Jeongin's hand in hours, which only filled her with growing anxiety.

"Felix," Remi whispered as she climbed around the fire and sat beside him. "It's getting late and brother keeps calling me--"

"Right, right, it's dark now." Felix said, examining the sky. "I'll walk you home--"

"No, it's OK, I literally leave down the street--"

"I'll still walk with you." He stood up and dusted himself off, then offered out a hand to pull her up.

"Where you two going?" Bangchan asked.

"I'm gonna walk her home--"

"What?!" Seungmin exclaimed. "Guys, no way. It's too dangerous for her to be alone--"

"He's right," Jisung said, and moseyed on over to Remi. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and gave her a playful smirk. "How about we have a sleepover?"

Remi chuckled and patted his hand on her shoulder. "I'd rather have the company of my precious cat."

"He is right, though..." Bangchan mumbled.

"I'll be fine, guys," Remi assured them. "The bullies were after Jeongin, not me. Your focus needs to be on the puppy." She checked on him, but he stared into the fire with a blank look on his face.

"Then... what were you doing on the roof?"

Remi realised she hadn't told them that little detail of the story. "Oh... I heard my friend's voice again. She told me he was on the roof and that they were going to kill him."

Everyone looked around at one another, as if they were communicating telepathically.

"So... it's not a hallucination?" Minho asked Bangchan.

"Was your friend ever secretive with you?" Hyunjin asked her.

Remi shook her head. "We spent every day together, why?"

"It sounds like she's communicating with you now that you know about the supernatural... but only Vampires and Witches can communicate from the other side..." Hyunjin trailed off, turning to Bangchan. "What do you think?"

Their leader sighed and poked at the melting bodies with a giant stick. "Most likely... it makes sense now... she's been watching over you, Remi..."

Remi didn't like this discussion. They were burning dead bodies and now talking about how Ellie could have been alive. It was too much to take in for today.

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