Chapter Three

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Hyunjin ^

Chapter Three~

Anyone who'd ever been given a month to live might have taken that opportunity to travel or fulfil a bucket list of some sort, but Remi cuddled up with her cat and binge watched shows on her laptop rather than go to college. Most of the time, her parents wouldn't pay attention to her enough to notice, but her loud cursing at the bad guy on her laptop attracted her mother.

"Royal," She opened the door and gave her daughter a look of exasperation. "Why aren't you at college?"

"It's a waste of time," She answered, her eyes on the screen of her laptop; she threw popcorn into her mouth.

"No, this is a waste of time!" She gestured towards Remi's laptop and the cat.

"How? I'm enjoying myself and I don't have long to do so," She sassed.

Her mother seemed to skip over the last part. "If you don't go to college tomorrow, I'll drag you there by your hair."

Remi simply stared at her mother until she slammed the door closed. She went back to her show and tried to focus on what was being said, but she couldn't help but feel angry. Stupidly angry, as if she wasn't used to the empty threats. She grew more and more frustrated each second she sat there thinking about that woman she called her mother.

And then, a soft growl emitted from her throat. Startled at that, and the sudden movement of her frightened cat, she looked down at her. Buttons' fur was raised and she looked just as shocked as Remi did herself. She shoved her cat off of her stomach and struggled around the room to find some clothes. She grabbed a black hoodie and some matching jogging bottoms, and ran downstairs. She dug through the sock basket in the conservatory and sat on the floor, where she pulled up her right trouser leg and stared at her ankle. The bite mark had healed on the night when it happened, and not having a scabbed wound to look at or a twinge in her ankle when she walked made the whole incident feel like a bad dream.

Socks on, converse on, she left the house. The anger returned instantly, and she started to feel a violent hunger bubble in her stomach. She went back inside, took some money from her backpack, and slammed the front door closed on her way out.

Remi rushed up her the driveway and ran straight into a warm, muscular body.

"Perfect timing," Said a familiar Australian voice.

Remi glanced up to see Bangchan. He wore a white shirt and black tie, tucked into sensible trousers with shiny black shoes.

"You all right?" He asked gently.

"No, but I want food," She told him. 

"You know what? Me, too! It's been a long day and want a bloody cheese burger. So I will join you."

Remi fought a smile, amused at the way he overreacted for her. She nodded and started walking to the right. He jogged up to her side and walked at the same brisk pace.

"Why you walking so fast?"

"My belly is aching with hunger," She replied, looking at him, then his suit. "Since when do Werewolves dress so smartly?"

Bangchan took a deep breath. "First off, you're feeling pain in your stomach because, you know, you're... becoming one of us now. You'll crave meat a lot, and get moody and angry for no reason."

"Sounds like me before I got bit."

He laughed lightly. "And well, I'm dressed like this because I just went to sign the contracts on the apartments I've found, and I just came back from a job interview. I managed to save up a lot from my last job for us to live in the apartments worry free for a few months, but I still need a job to provide for my pack. We're not old school. We hate living in underground tunnels like moles."

Remi smiled at him when they looked at one another. "You sound like a great leader, Bangchan."

He smiled back, eyes and dimples and all. "Thank you, I try my best."

They walked a while longer before Remi decided to speak again. "Earlier at home... I got pissed off and growled and scared my cat... will she hate me? Will she be able to smell that I'm basically a dog now?"

He gave her a gentle smile. "You're most likely not going to make it past the full moon and yet you're worried about your cat hating you?"

"Hey, hey, hey," Remi lifted a finger and shook it at him. "She's the only thing in the entire world I love, mate. I've had her since I was ten, OK? She's nine now, she's my old baby girl. And if I really don't make it, I want her to love me until then!" She sassed. "She's all I care about because I know if I die, my parents will get rid of her." She paused, then gasped at that realisation. "Omg, they really would... is it crazy if I ask you guys to look after her when I'm gone?" 

She stared at him and he stared back at her, then smiled tenderly. "I'm not sure she'll like us, with our dog smell, but Minho has a way with cats. I'm sure he'd loved to take her on."

"The guy who bit me?!" She exclaimed. "He can't have my baby! What if he'll kill her?!"

"He won't, he adores cats and likes them more than he likes us. You'd get on with him if you guys spoke. Obviously, I understand why you wouldn't go first in that situation, but if he apologised, would you forgive him?"

"Dunno," Remi shrugged. "Depends if he means it."

The two of them chatted some more until they found the first fast food restaurant they came across. It was particularly cold today and the sky was grey with rain-filled clouds, just how Remi liked it. But not as much as she liked the idea of scoffing down a juicy beef burger, though.

Finally, they found a McDonalds, ordered, and settled down on one of the corner tables, where they'd be decently hidden from judging eyes. It went without saying that a Werewolf and one in transition were certainly going to eat like savages. 

Bangchan received a phone call a few moments after they got comfortable in their seating booth, so Remi took that opportunity to think. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to create a bucket list of some sort, she thought. There wasn't much she could complete as a broke nineteen year old, but surely she could find something. What puzzled her most was how unfazed she was at being told she probably wouldn't make it in a months time. How am I so nonchalant about this? She asked herself, confused beyond her understanding. Am I not taking this seriously?  It made sense not to, she scolded herself. She went from having a normal, depressing teenage life to being attacked by a giant wolf, bitten by another, then being told she was going to die. It didn't feel real enough to believe it.

The table suddenly juddered and snapped her back into reality. Bangchan had gotten up with their tickets and headed to the counter at the front of the shop. She watched him fold up his shirt sleeves to his elbows, pick up the tray with their food on, and head back over to the table. His forearm veins made her feel some type of way. Muscular and kind, a perfect leader for the rest of his pack. His kindness would undoubtedly teach the rest of the boys well, and get them all out of bad situations. Unable to escape such, though, having muscles would save them another way.

"So, tell me a bit about yourself, Remi." He spoke, placing the tray between them on the table. "I want to figure out what to expect if you, hopefully, survive. A person's personality says a lot about what they'll be like as a Werewolf. For example, Felix is like... my other half.  He's the greatest brother I could have asked for. He's sweet and a little ray of sunshine that makes the rest of our pack feel better on bad days. And because of that, we know that as a wolf, even if he lost his temper, he wouldn't hurt anyone, or anything. I think he'd cry himself to death if he even hurt a squirrel."

Remi smiled and opened the box her delicious burger waited in. She took a big bite before talking again. "Um... well, I'm kinda nice, depends how I'm treated. I'll always pick animals over people. I do get angry easily, though."

"Really?" He asked with slightly narrowed eyes. "If that's the case, you might end up turning even sooner than the full moon."

"So... not even a month to live?"

Bangchan wore a soft expression with even softer eyes after she said that.

Knowing her temper, she would find her grave way before the full moon...

I'm so sorry for the slow updates, I have on and off writer's block rn and it's driving me insane. Thank you for being patient❤❤😣


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