Chapter 8

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Virgil's POV

I sat uncomfortably in Thomas's living room, Roman sitting as far away from me as possible. It's for the best, I told myself, even as my chest began to ache to see him so gloomy.

"I'm sure you all know why you're here," Thomas began.

Of course, I knew. I was one of the reasons—half of the problem. I tried to put on a bored expression and rolled my eyes. "Look, I don't see why we need to be here. What happened last night was an accident. We can't control when those things happen; we just have to hope that they aren't too horrible. I get it; Roman and I got fucked up at about the same time, but that isn't something we need to all be here for. Logan, would you like everyone to see you freak out? How 'bout you, Patton?"

They shook their heads, Patton looking down in embarrassment.

I stood. "I rest my case," I said with an over-exaggerated bow before sinking into the floor. I heard Patton call after me, but I ignored him, happy to be back in my room. I sagged onto my bed and thought. How badly did I fuck all of this up? I asked. I told myself to stay calm as I thought about the night before. I'm not gay. That part I was sure of, but when Roman had kissed me, I had gotten caught up in myself. I'd kissed back... like a fucking idiot. Panic rose inside of me at the idea of his lips on mine. Not a second later, realization hit me like a punch.

I missed him—craved him.

A knock sounded at the door, echoing through the room. "Kiddo, can we talk?"

My heart, despite myself, sunk; it wasn't Roman. "Yeah, come on in."

When Patt opened the door, he wore his ever-prominent smile, only wavering for a second as he sat down next to me.

I, however, didn't smile. "You want to talk about last night, don't you?" It was hardly a question. Obviously, he did; I would, too, if I were him.

A nod. "I heard Roman come in here last night. I know he's good in his heart, but the two of you have always been a little rocky." He hesitated, as though unsure if he should continue. Finally, he said, "Did he say anything to you? Did you two get in a fight?"

Had we? "What... constitutes a fight?" I was afraid to ask. None of us really ever fought; it was more bickering than anything else.

"One of you ending up hurt or upset...?"

Check. "I think we did..." Anxiety bubbled through me. I'd gotten in a fight with Roman—a real fight. "I—I—I need to go, Patt." I stood up, my heart pounding.

I could hear the smile on Patton's face as he said, "He's in his room, Virge."

I opened the door and walked over to Roman's. I raised my hand to knock but stopped.

Was I really doing this? What would I say? What could I say?

The door was thrown open, and I froze. Roman stared back at me, and then, suddenly...

He hugged me. "I'm sorry. Last night, I shouldn't have—"

"Don't," I whispered. "I don't want to talk about that; it doesn't matter anymore."

Roman's POV

"I don't want to talk about that; it doesn't matter anymore," Virgil said, his arms wrapped around my torso, squeezing my sides a little.

But it didn't matter. Even after everything had happened, I would have kissed him again and again.

Even so, I nodded.

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