Chapter 12

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Virgil's POV

I looked at Logan in confusion.  "I'm sorry, what?"  It's not because I did my job again, is it?

"What portion of my query are you incapable of comprehending?" he asked.

Deep breaths.  Be reasonable... which is completely unlike you.  "Logan, it's unlike you to be so vague.  Just... elaborate more, please," I said, adding the 'please' to seem more polite and to hide my nervousness.

"What do you think you're doing with Roman?" he clarified.

I furrowed my brow.  "Hanging out? Trying to be friends?"  It dawned on me that maybe Logan, the logical and cut-off trait, didn't quite understand getting close to someone, considering emotions were not his forte.  "Logan, when two people are friends, they tend to want to hang out with each other because they enjoy the other's company," I explained in the hopes that it might clear up some of his confusion.

"That was my hypothesis at first as well.  However, I spoke with Patton about what activities friends usually partake in, and he didn't mention such activities the two of you have been participating in."

I asked, "What activities have we been 'participating in?'"  I sat up a little straighter, irritation bubbling inside my chest.

"Firstly, I've noted laughter late into the nights, long after Thomas has gone to bed.  Second, there have been multiple times when Roman tried to unsuccessfully stealthily depart from your bedroom in the mornings post."

My chest tightened.  "Where are you going with this, Logic?"  I crossed my arms and glared at him, far passed annoyed.  What Roman and I did during our own time should be none of his business.

"Well, I took all of the facts into account and began researching through what information I had available on friendships and other emotional-based relationships.  I have thus concluded that the two of you have been engaging in sexual activities."

I stopped breathing for a moment, memories of my dream clawing at my brain.  "Wh—What?" was all I could manage, trying to get some sort of response out before he decided he was correct.

"Sexual activities—intercourse, if you prefer."

"I don't.  That's not important!  Roman and I aren't having sex!" Realizing what I'd just said, I lowered my voice and continued, "Roman and I are strictly—"  I stopped myself, an idea forming to get Logan to leave me alone.  "Logan, can we even have sex?"

He pondered the idea for a second before responding, "While we do simulate everyday human life here to the best of our abilities to better help Thomas, it is an interesting query... Can any of us really feel joy or other emotions, such as the enjoyment one feels during and after intercourse?"  He walked out of the room without another word, deep in thought.

I fell backward into my bed, staring at the ceiling as I, too, thought about the idea.  Sex, huh?  Is that really what it looks like to them?  Memories of my dream surfaced again, and I shoved them down as chills ran over my body.  These are thoughts for another time, Virge, I told myself as I stood up and exited my room.

Patton was making cookies, as per usual. He turned and smiled at me.  "Did you smell the cookies, son?" he asked cheerfully.

"I'm not your son, Patt."  I walked passed him and into the living room, sitting down on the couch.

Logan sat a few feet away, sifting through loose papers and books.

If we can't feel, what does that mean for Roman and me?  That question scared me.  Roman's the romantic Side, so it makes sense why he kiss me; it doesn't explain that bubbling feeling I get when I see him...

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