Left Behind!

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Then C.Peepers jump out of the bush and jump towards Wander,"I've got you now!" C.Peepers said while in the air.But as soon he was close to catch Wander,Sylvia caught him.

"Think you could catch easily huh?" Sylvia said,"OH WAIT TILL I CAL-" before C.Peepers could finished his sentence,they saw Lord Hater ship flying away.

"Well,will you look at that,what'chu gonna do? "said Sylvia,C.Peepers then took out his blaster and point it at Sylvia,"It seems like you forgot that I always have a blaster."

He then tied them up with a rope and called Lord Hater but there was no signal.

He inhales and exhale some air,"WHY IS IT THE TIME TO BE LIKE THIS!?" C.Peepers yelled angrily.

He kept hitting his head on a tree,Wander and Sylvia quickly untie themselves.Wander kinda feels bad for C.Peepers,he looked at Sylvia with his puppy eyes.

"No" Sylvia said with a annoyed face.Wander just kept doing those puppy eyes,Sylvia finally said.. "Fine..".

"Hey Peepers,wanna join us on our adventures?" Wander said cheerfully.

C.Peepers seemed confused at first,"What?"

"Sure..I guess?" C.Peepers said. Sylvia then said "But one condition,don't try to capture or blast us."

"And be kind!" Wander add.
"Sure,I can do that!" C.Peepers said.
"Yeah,right." Sylvia said unconvince.

(Bet cha never seen a writer write 2 chapter or more in one day?)

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