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After that,they went to their next adventure. They went to different planets and places,and Wander being Wander.

He helped a lot of peoples.They were kinda thirsty,"Hey,you guys wanna drink?" Wander said as he point at a store.

"Sure." Sylvia and C.Peepers replied at the same time."Okay!" Wander said cheerfully. As Wander was about to go to the store C.Peepers said "Hey Wander,c-can I follow y-you?"

"Sure Peepers!" Wander replied with a smile.They went to the store together,and as they walk in.Wander immediately saw Thunder Blazz,"Hey,that's Sylvia favourite!"

He said pointing to the drinks and immediately ran and grab it."Ya want some Peeps?" Wander said looking at C.Peepers,"Sure." C.Peepers said looking away to avoid blushing.

Later.... (Because I'm a bit lazy.)

"Thanks,Wander." Sylvia said as she drinks the Thunder Blazz,Wander replied with a big smile "Never hurts to help!"

Hours later

When they were at town. As soon as the people saw C.Peepers,they all went hiding and all of the houses and shops were locked and close in a flash,"Jeez,they're really scared of you huh,Peeps?" Wander said looking around,"Uhh..Wander,I think they're scared of that" Sylvia said,pointing at Lord Hater ship which was flying towards them.

Sylvia ran somewhere to hide her and Wander but accidentally left C.Peepers behind.

Lord Hater ship stop and him and the watchdogs came out,"S-sir!" C.Peepers said shaking."Where are they?" Lord Hater said,"W-who sir?" C.Peepers said as he sweats a bit.

"Wander and Sylvia,they were with you." Lord Hater said with a angry expression "Well,they..They..THEY'RE OVER THERE!" C.Peepers pointed at Wander and Sylvia who was hiding behind the shadows in the alley.

As soon as C.Peepers said that,the watchdogs began to run to them,Sylvia and Wander were sourounded.Wander look at C.Peepers with a sad expression "How could you?" He mouthed to him.

(Oh noes,what will happened?)

(Also sorry for the long wait.)

Hugs (A Wander x C.Peepers fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now