Jail Fail

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Soon Wander and Sylvia were locked up in the cell,Lord Hater was happy that he has finally captured Wander except for C.Peepers.

"Peepers,oh Peepers..Why you do this,why did you lea-" "Hey..! Psst..! Wander!" Someone whispered yelled at Wander,he turned to see who it was and there was him.

"Commander Peepers?" Wander's voice echo,thankfully there wasn't any watchdogs.

"I know I shouldn't do this,but I'm gonna do it anyway.." C.Peepers whispered as he unlocks Wander and Sylvia from their cell.

"Gee,thanks Peep-" "SHHH!" C.Peepers hush Wander,unfortunately Sylvia suddenly wake up.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" "Sylvia,don't worry Commander Peepers here is gonna help us!" "Will you two be QUIET!" C.Peepers whispered quietly,but not quiet enough.

"Hey,ya hear that?" One of the watchdogs said "Hear what?" Another watchdogs replied "I heard somebody's cell unlocking!" "It better not be THOSE two." "Let's check them out." 

After that C.Peepers heard footsteps,"Follow me!" he said showing them a place to hide.

"Aw man,Lord Hater gonna be mad when he founds out their gone!" One of the watchdog said as they look around the cell from the outside."We should go and tell-" As one of them was gonna finish a word.

Sylvia knocked them out and threw them in the cell,"Hurry and lock them,Peeps..!" "Um,o-okay..!" C.Peepers said as he locks the cell.

"We better escape before anyone sees us," He said "I know where we can escape without anyone seeing us..Follow me." He then grab Wander's wrist and showed them the way.

(Eyo,everybody! So sorry that I've haven't publish any chapters,I just needed a break.)

Hugs (A Wander x C.Peepers fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now