Keeping a lil secrect.

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"Know what?" Wander said."AH! Wander,how long have you been standing there!?" C.Peepers said as he was still blushing.

"I was walking to check you guys out,is there something wrong. Are you okay?" Wander said as he put his hand on C.Peepers forehead.

C.Peepers felt his cheeks getting hotter,"Geez Peepers,you feel a bit warm. Are you feeling well?" Wander said."Of course I'm well!" C.Peepers said as he slaps Wander's hand off him."Yea Wander,he's fine.It's just that he-" Sylvia was cut off when C.Peepers cover her mouth.

"SSHHHH" C.Peepers shush Sylvia,Wander look at them both then walk away saying "Well,I'm going to pack stuff up for our next adventure!"

C.Peepers stares at Sylvia angrily,"Don't you ever again.." C.Peepers said angrily.
"Yeah yeah.." Sylvia said sarcasticly.

(Sorry guys,school was kinda being a jerk! I'll try to publish when I can.)

(Also sorry if this was short!)

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