Good Night,Wandey..

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It was getting dark so they decided to collect some sticks,as they collect sticks,they were watching out for Lord Hater's watchdogs.They could be anywhere...

When they collected enough sticks,they begin to start a fire to warm themselves.Wander was playing his banjo calmly,while Sylvia was sleeping.

C.Peepers was listening to Wander playing the banjo,who was sitting next to him. C.Peepers was about to fall asleep when Wander suddenly stops playing the banjo and leans on him.

"Beautiful night isn't it?" He asked C.Peepers,with a smile. C.Peepers replied "Yeah.." He was blushing lightly.

"Hey Wander,can I ask you something?" C.Peepers asked him,staring at the sky."Sure!" Wander replied as he smiles,turning his head to him.

"Okay," C.Peepers took a deep breath,"H-have you like someone?"
He asked Wander,looking away from him. "Yep,well not just one,I like everyone!" Wander cheerfully replied,C.Peepers turns his eye to him.

"What.. What about me,do you like me?" C.Peepers asked him again,Wander put his banjo down and hugs C.Peepers.

"Hey,of course I like you.Why wouldn't I?" Wander answered,C.Peepers was a bit sad when he said that.

"Hey,we better go to sleep to start a our new day tomorrow!" Wander told C.Peepers. C.Peepers nodded.

And they both went to sleep.

(Plz fowgive meh for not posting a chapta)

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