Ride and Hide

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As C.Peepers lead them out of the ship,an alarm went off.Sylvia quickly put Wander and C.Peepers on her back and run as C.Peepers lead her to the exit.

They were able to escape easily and when they reached the exit,C.Peepers knew it was time to say good-bye."I guess it's time to say good-bye.." he sigh as he got off Sylvia's saddle.

"Yeah,yeah.Good-bye,hope we wont see you again.." Sylvia replied as she walks away,"Hey,Wander-" she turned her head to Wander who was supposed to be sitting on her saddle,but he was gone.

She look up and saw he was talking to C.Peepers.

"Hey,how about you join us? Like we used to do,before you um..Never mind that!" Wander said as he sticks out his right hand "So,what do you think?".

"I..I.." C.Peepers was about to say something when Sylvia suddenly jumps between them pushing them away from each other.

"Okay,hold on there,eyeball." Sylvia said as she turn to C.Peepers and poke him on the chest. "What do you think you're doing?!"

"Talking to Wander..?" C.Peepers said as he takes a few steps back from her.

"Oh c'mon,Sylvia" Wander said using his puppy eyes on her. "Ugh,fine." Sylvia replied quickly because she knew if she said no,she would have to deal with Wander's puppy eyes plus she would have been stuck there for a long time too..

Suddenly,"COMANDER PEEPERS,CAPTURE THEM!" They turned to see Lord Hater with a dozen watchdogs running up to them from far away,Wander quickly jumps on Sylvia's saddle.

"C'mon,Peepers!" he said as he hand out one of his palm to C.Peepers. "PEEPERS,DON'T. CAPTURE THEM!" Lord Hater yelled,but all C.Peepers did was look at him and said "I'm not sorry for doing this,sir.." He took Wander's palm and jumps on Sylvia's saddle,"Let's go,Wandey!" He said putting his fist up.

And off they went as Lord Hater and the watchdogs ran after them.

After a hour of running,they lost Lord Hater and the watchdogs.
They hide behind some trees and bushes,and decided to take a rest.


Hugs (A Wander x C.Peepers fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now