Cant't Hide Forever

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C.Peepers woke up to a smell of toast,he sat up and saw Wander and Sylvia eating. Wander noticed th e C.Peepers was awake and said "Good morning,Peepers!" "Morning." C.Peepers replied .

Wander,Sylvia,and C.Peppers was walking through a town when they spotted Lord Hater's ship and his watchdogs.

C.Peppers grab Wander and Sylvia by the wrist and hide them in an alley way. "Search for them,if any of you found Peepers,bring him to me.." Lord Hater said as he looked at the watchdogs from left to right.

"Oh boy,we gotta find a way to escape.." Sylvia said with a worried expression on her face. "I don't have one,what about-" C.Peepers turned his head to where Wander was,but he wasn't there.

Wander was helping an old lady getting up, "Thank you,young man!" The old lady slowly turned her head to Wander. "Never hurts to help!" Wander said out loud,loud enough for the watchdogs to hear him.

"There he is!" One of the watchdogs said pointing at him, "Uh oh." C.Peepers and Sylvia said,Sylvia ran to Wander to grab him but she was caught by the watch dogs.

"You three lock the up,the others keep searching for Peepers!" Lord Hater ordered three of his watchdogs to lock Wander and Sylvia in the cell while the others search for C.Peepers.

After an hour of searching..

The watchdogs search and search but they didn't found C.Peepers anywhere. "Sir,we can't Commander Peepers anywhere." One of the watchdogs said.

"Have you search in the houses? What about behind those bushes? Or those alley?" Lord Hater ask the watchdogs just simply noded. "Sir,maybe Commander Peepers-" one of the watchdogs was about to say something but was cut off by Lord Hater.

"NO,he must be hiding somewhere!" He yelled, "Sir,what if we do something to make him come out-" Another watchdogs said something but was cut off by Lord Hater yelling "NO!"

"Hmm,if only there was a way.." Lord Hater think,and suddenly "Aha! We could do something to make him come out." He said with confidence.

"But sir,how do we do that?" One of the watchdogs ask him,"Well,I don't know,maybe.. A promotion?" Lord Hater answered with a shrug.

Another hour go by of trying to get C.Peepers out..

"Hey Peepers,if you come out,I'll give you a cake! How about those new shoes?" Lord Hater yelled,while the watchdogs tried to look for C.Peepers. "Sir,we still can't find Commander Peepers!"

"Hmm,must be SOMETHING that can make him come out-" Lord Hater said but then suddenly thought of something. An evil smile spread across his face and he said "Bring Wander and Sylvia here.."

"Yes sir." The watchdogs said and went into the ship to get them.


After they brought Wander and Sylvia outside,Lord Hater ordered his watchdogs to tie them together and circle around them. "Uh oh,this doesn't look good.." Sylvia said as she looked at Lord Hater coming towards them.

"Oh don't worry Sylvia,he's probably gonna give us a BIG hug" Wander said with a smile but he knows what will happened. Wander and Sylvia closed their eyes as Lord Hater was ready to zap them..

But suddenly they heard someone said "Stop! Don't hurt them!"

Everyone turned their heads to where the voice came from,and it was C.Peepers with his blaster pointing to Lord Hater. The watchdogs immediately point their blasters at him.

C.Peepers realized what he was doing,and he put down his blaster but the watchdogs didn't. "Peepers,I can't believe you would do such thing. Why would you try to protect someone I want to DESTROY?!" He yelled.

"Because they're my friends.." C.Peepers replied while looking down.

Everyone gasp including Wander and Sylvia,Lord Hater sigh and ordered the watchdogs to lock C.Peepers,Wander and Sylvia in the cell.

"But s-sir! Why would you want to lock me up?" C.Peepers said as he was being drag into the ship by the watchdogs, "Because you're on their side now.." Lord Hater said.

(Guess who's back writing fanfiction OwO)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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