"Dibs two seats for myself!" I called, rushing onto the large, luxurious coach.
The school must have really splashed out on this one.
I shot down the narrow Isle between the rows of coach seats, stopping at a group of six chairs facing each other with a table in the middle. Brushing my hair from my face, I threw my rucksack on one of the chairs facing forward before sprawling over the other two.
"Seriously? How is this fair!" Fred whined, realising that he, Krista and Jo would all have to sit in the other three seats opposite me. Ha ha.
"Deal with it Fredi-o, it's life." I smirked, getting comfy in my seat as the three on them sat packed together opposite me.
"Isa, move your feet. I'll sit on the end there and the boys can have these two. Deal?" Krista bargained.
"Yea, okay, fine." I huffed, moving my feet to make space for her.
She sent me a brief smile as she sat down before a teacher from the front shouted for everyone to buckle up. The sound of the metal buckles snapping into place joined the excited chatter before the coach roared to life, an irritating beeping sound filling the air as one of the doors was still open. I reached into my duffle and pulled out my I pod before putting in my ear buds and hitting shuffle. I was vaguely aware of a teacher walking down the Isle, doing a final head count and seat belt check before the coach started pulling away.
Woo, here we go, off to Texas.I turned to look out the window, it was at least a 15 hour drive plus stopping at the services to eat or clean up a bit. Joyous. I watched as we passed through the city, people bustling around there Monday lives, darting carelessly across the road in order to catch a train or bus, mother's pushing buggies with children along the pavement, stopping occasionally to point something out to the screaming infant.
We soon left the inner city and turned onto a main road. The next four hours or so were due to be spent on the one, long, boring road. Fun.
After about three hours of driving Krista poked me, drawing my attention from the scenery to her. She gestured to one of the homeroom teachers who was stood at the front, about to say something. Pulling out my earphones, I moved to a more comfortable position to listen to whatever news we were about to be given. I tucked a few loose strands of hair behind my ear and riddled with my ring, a nervous habit I'd adopted, though I was currently unsure why I was feeling nervous. Probably just travelling
"Okay, students listen up please." The teacher who I now recognised as Mrs Austen announced, swaying slightly as the coach shifted lanes. "Alright, now the teachers and I have decided to inform you of some... Recent events. I'm sure you're all aware of the recent deaths surrounding the Texas area and this has caused a few concerns to be raised but I can guarantee that you will all be perfectly safe at this school, there's no need to worry. "
" How can you know that! " A boy yelled from further down the coach, getting a few shouts of agreement from various people, including Fred. Idiot.
"We know that, " Mrs Austen began, irritation laced in her tone," because the school we're visiting is for supernatural beings. Why do you think you've been shut off from all news sources for the past week? Doubt many, if any of you even noticed that to be honest."
" Excuse me, what?" I shrieked. Jumping out of my seat, only to receive a glare from multiple teachers.
"Seat belt." one hissed, before turning back to the front of the coach.
All around me people were loosing their shit. Girls and boys alike crying and screaming, how the driver was coping was beyond me. I looked over to Jo near enough having a panic attack while Fred and Krista tried consoling her, not looking much better themselves.
After my initial shock however, I seemed to be relatively calm, I didn't seem to be freaking out or crying like everyone else. All I got was a throbbing head ache as the whiney little voice returned.
Come on Bella, remember. You're so close. You need to remember, the storms brewing REMEMBER.
I groaned in pain, resting my head on the cold glass of the coach window, looking out at the now setting sun while taking small sips of water to try and subdue the throbbing in my head. After a while I was feeling fine but I couldn't get the words out of my head. Remember what?
I tuned back in to my surroundings, noticing that my three friends were all asleep on the chair opposite, tear stains down Jo's face still. Poor girl. The sound of the occasional sniffle broke the other wise quiet coach, the hum of the engine faded into the background now.
I grabbed my wash bag before making my way down the narrow Isle towards the small toilet. Once inside I brushed my teeth and washed my face. Looking at my reflection in the mirror, questioning how my life had suddenly become so crazy during one coach ride. Gods.
I exhaled deeply before exiting the cramped room and making my way back to my seat. Checking the time on my phone I saw it was 10:43 how fun, we'd now been on the road for about five hours, having left at six. We should be due to arrive at about nine tomorrow morning but we're ment to stop for an hour to eat breakfast so maybe more like ten-ish.
Looking out into the star filled sky, I pulled the flimsy curtain closed before rolling over in my chair-bed trying to get some much needed sleep.
I knew the next day was going to me life changing. I just didn't know how.

Bella The Demigod - Return To Olympus
Fanfiction--Sequel to Bella the demigod-- Bella Swan, a goddess of Olympus. Bella Swan, the girl who has forgotten half her life without even knowing it. Bella awakens after being stabbed with no knowledge of the supernatural world, a world in perilous danger...