--Sequel to Bella the demigod--
Bella Swan, a goddess of Olympus.
Bella Swan, the girl who has forgotten half her life without even knowing it.
Bella awakens after being stabbed with no knowledge of the supernatural world, a world in perilous danger...
I woke up to the irritating sound of knocking on the door as a voice called for us to wake up. Groaning, I ensured my hood was fully up and rising from my warm, comfy bed.
I did not want a repeat of last night, after those two 'demigods' saw my face it was as if Jesus himself had just resurrected or something. They moth near screamed the place down before clinging onto me like a life line. Weird ass people much? Fair to say I was more than egar to escape after that, dashing out the door and straight to bed. Now all I have to do is avoid them for the rest of the trip. Should be interesting.
Jumping straight off the top bunk, I landed silently on the floor, grabbing some clothes, a bra and underwear from the drawers before rushing into the bathroom before anyone else could. Suckers.
The bathroom was massive and had three separate rooms branching off it, each with a shower and small areas to change in after. There was also a row of toilet cubicles next to them, no way we're ten girls going to be able to share on toilet. The main part of the bathroom had a giant mirror that covered the majority of the left wall, there was a large sink with several taps in front of it. Opposite that was a large sofa for anyone to sit on for whatever reason, maybe just to chat or whatever some girls do in the bathroom. Lined up on the wall opposite the door, was three vanity tables each full of makeup and perfumes. All in all, everything we would need, was provided in here.
I walked into the first shower room, locking the door before throwing my clothes onto the small plastic shelf provided and stepping into the shower quickly turning the water to hot. I washed my body, deciding to leave my hair until night before turning off the water and getting dressed. I had chosen a red and black flannel witch I left unbuttoned with a white vest top underneath. I also had a pair of blue cowboy jeans and some brown boots. I was wearing my necklace, as per usual but also clipped on a bracelet that I didn't previously know I'd owned. Finally, I put a cowboy hat low on my head, hiding my face in the rim and shadows. Good. I quickly carried out all my other bathroom tasks suck as brushing my teeth and putting my hair into a high pony tail. Checking myself over in the full length mirror, I exited the bathroom, finding a few girls getting dressed in the main room.
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"Morning Isa, come check this out, we think it's a picture of some of the students here." Krista called from my bunk where a bunch of other students were huddled.
I scurried over to see what the fuss was about only to be shocked. It was a photo, a photo of Annabeth, Percy and a blonde man covered in what seemed to be scars with red eyes. But that's not what made my eyes bulge. No, what was the most shocking thing was that right in the middle, smiling with purple hair, was me.
What the hell?
"Huh, that's, err, pretty coo-cool" I stammered eventually, biting my lip so hard I drew blood.
"What's got you so sha-SHIT! It's 7:56," Jo exclaimed. "EVERYONE QUICK GO NOW!"
In a flurry of activity, I found myself being shoved out the doorway and dragged down the halls at a rapid pace towards the dining tent. We arrived a few minutes later, panting and out of breath, I however seemed to be coping well. I guess all those five o'clock runs payed off.
Everyone quickly split off to eat yet another amazing meal and before I knew it, a loud bell rang and people were being ushered off to their first class.
History of the supernatural, here I come. If I can find where it is...
"Hey, Isa right? Where you heading?" Some random blonde guy I had never seen before said, jogging over to me.
"How do you know my name?" I asked bluntly, ignoring his question.
"Oh, sorry, I over heard you talking to Percy and Annabeth last night, vampire hearing is super sensitive." He explained, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
"Oh, alright..."
"Josh" he supplied.
"Josh, well anyway I'm heading to room 15, history of the supernatural I think." I said, checking my timetable I had folded up in my pocket.
"Oh cool, I'll take you there I'm heading that way." He explained with a smile before we started walking towards the main school building.
I wonder where everyone else went. They need to stop ditching me.
We quickly arrived at my class and I thanked Josh before scurrying in, right as the bell rang. I looked around the class and was relieved to see Fred sitting on his own at the back.
Haha, loner.
I sat next to him, dumping my bag on the floor ungracefully, gaining a few looks but mainly just an annoyed glare from the old, male teacher who was already nattering on about vampires and goblins during the prehistoric times. It was actually fairly interesting and I was shocked when the bell rang, not realising it had been a whole hour.
"Well that's it for today kids, see you all tomorrow." He said as we all spilled out the class.
Fred chatted animatedly the whole way to our next lesson, which I also had with him, not stopping as we walked into the large gymnasium.
"Whoa, his place is huge" I exclaimed, interrupting whatever he was saying as I gazed around the giant hall. There was all sorts of climbing apperators across one side of the wall, with ropes to climb, ladders and all sorts of ballance beams and things. Opposite that, the other wall was made if glass and had large sliding doors, one of which was open, allowing a warm breeze to filter in from outside where a few trees stood, casting a semi circle of shade about twenty meters from the doorway. Around the gym, there were other stations and exercises, punching bags, mats, a fighting ring, but I doubted we would be using much of that today. Actually, it wouldn't surprise me if we did from what I've gathered about this crazy place so far.
That hour passed quickly, my original suspicions being proved correct as we were simply shown around the equipment and how to safely use it. Rather boring but it did make tomorrow a lot more exciting to look forward too.
The lessons after that all seemed to merge into one and I soon found myself sat in my Greek history class. Fred was on my left and Krista and Jo bother to my right as a blonde man up the front spoke about Greek mythology, most of which I already knew as we were going over common myths and legends I had read about.
I gazed out the window, catching sight of the horse stables I had yet to investigate when I saw a small dot of movement caught my eye. There, sat under the large willow tree about two-hundred meters away, was a vampire. Almost perfectly still apart from the occasional twitch that he seemed to have developed from habit. My eyes scanned his face, his honey blonde hair was in messy curls, carelessly placed upon his godlike head, his skin seemingly perfect yet even I could tell there was something imperfect about it from this far away, his eyes were what stood out the most though, his beautiful ruby red eyes that were supposed to drive fear into the souls of humans like me yet they had the reverse effect. I was - for some reason - determined to get to know this god-like creature.