Todoroki ShoutoX reader Phobias

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I know all of u have been waiting for this cuz everyone loves the hot and cold ass

Shouto's pov. 

She was weird. In almost every situation she was thrown into she had a smile on her face, it made me despise her. Always laughing and becoming friends with everyone, even bakugou(U HAVE DONE THE IMPOSSIBLE) it was so annoying. I hated it when she went up and pestered me whenever she had the chance, always saying how my quirks are amazing...she'd always point out how my quirks were my own all the time, how it represents who I am. Never cried unless she was laughing insane..But why now? 

The h/c girl stared at me, her tears pouring as she failed miserably to hide it. "T-Todoroki-kun I'm sorry...I-I didn't want anyone to see me like this..." She gestures to herself in disgust, quivering and scared by judgement. 

"Y/N, what are you doing to yourself?" Why did I care, why-I thought she was annoying so why now? 

Your pov. 

This wasn't supposed to happen...atelophobia is such a fucking dick. I made one FUCKING mistake just ONE LITTLE FUCKING MISTAKE AND I CRY....god why do I do this to myself, Todoroki-kun is so smart and amazing. He dosent deserve me, he's better with Yaoyorozu Momo. Looking up at his heterochromia iridium eyes, smiling as brightly as I could. "I'm okay no-" what...WHATTHEFUCK

His hand laid on my cheek, concerned about me...? "Y/N stop hurting yourself like this, you don't always have to be happy." I don't know why but after he said that I just broke down, snot and tears all of that disgusting stuff...Moving his hand to the back of my head he pulled me down and hugged me close, I can't even think anymore. He would never do this, never got close to why me?! "W-why are you being so nice to me?!" 

"I didn't know at first but now I realized its because I care about you deeply, you always try so hard and your perfect." P-perfect, the word itself inspired me and I thought I'd never reach it but the man I grew to love said I was perfect. Wrapping my arms around his neck and hugged him tighter, laughing uncontrollably. He likes me, he really does... 

Todoroki's pov.last time I swearXD

Was she laughing? She really is weird but she's a good weird that I like for some reason...The way my mouth stretched I know I had a smile on my face, it still felt uncomfortable doing that(I don't know) but it's not so bad smiling with her... 


Yea I know short again but I don't fucking know I'm not Hamilton! And I thought of this and poof...probes cuz I'm depressed hahhhhhANYWAYS IF U DONT KNOW ATELOPHOBIA IS THE FEAR OF NOT BEING PERFECT AND HETEROCHROMIA IRIDIUM IS BASICALLY WHEN A PERSON HAS TWO DIFFERENT COLORED EYES!!! KK BYE NOW  

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