kyoka jiro X reader for forever

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yes im doing deh and ik this song isnt that romantic but the way im writing it will be romantic and sad and cheesy and maybe longer than usual if i feel like it! oh and like i said, thank u guys for legit everything, im not getting paid BUT still

"Please tell us everything you did with Kyoka.."

This wasnt what you planned, this isnt what you practiced for, denki only said to nod! You mouth started to dry up and you felt your lips stick like glue, what am i supposed to say??  I didnt think this through, maybe i should tell them the truth. This is going a bit far... 

"Y/N? Are you okay honey?" Her mother began to pour a glass of water and slid it your way, smiling softly to encourage you. Then it all came into pieces, your dreams, your wants, what you always hoped to do...with a friend....a lover even. "End of May or early June..This picture-perfect afternoon we shared..." HAH YOU THINK IM A WRITE THE WHOLE SONG, BRUH U REAL FUNNY! 

Your words started to spill out, rolling easily of your tongue as if it were true, the memories that never happened, the good moments you wish occurred. The lies flying through the room, her mother's grieving face lightened up to the perfect ideal of her daughter and holding her husband's hand. All of this was working, her parents were getting what they wanted, you were helpful of once, the attention you've always wanted. 

The stories you told were being merged into your real life, you felt closer to Kyoka, you felt love with Kyoka. Getting a scoop at A La Mode of your favorite ice cream and driving over to the park where you were a ranger last summer. Listing of conversations you wanted to talk to her about, it was amazing to process of what could've happened instead of what did. Her parents were patiently waiting, surprised from what they heard about their daughter but drawn to the tales that toppled over one another. Kyoka's sister thought otherwise, Kyoka was never that nice and the only trees she knew was weed, it twirled in her head how she never saw Kyoka talk to Y/N in school...

"How come you guys never talked in school? Not even a wave or a high-five?" Thats when it hit, the anxiety, the pressure, it was all going so well, you had to think of something but your head was shaken by the random question. You chugged your water, rubbing your palms against you pants to remove the sweat forming on your skin. Yes, im mixing what ive read in the book, this does happen and the book talks more about Evan's anxiety and how the fake friendship started. 

You had only observed Kyoka from a distance, you only talked to her once and thats what got you into this mess. She was cold, silent, and aggressive, she wouldn't be want to seen around someone like you. comfortable... "We didn't wave at each other because we were afraid what other people would think, we didn't feel comfortable in school grounds." You tried to keep your voice as still as possible, still taking little sips of water to calm your nerves, they seemed to believe it as you carried on. Carried on to the point where you broke your arm, you paused, eyes beginning to water as they met with your cast, 'Kyoka' in big letters to fill up the whole cast and her words flooded into your head. 

"Look, now it looks like we have friends." It went something along these lines, idk im in bed writing this and im too lazy to check.  

You cleared you head, trying to piece together how you broke your arm with Kyoka you wanted someone to be there with you when you fell, when you let go, when you needed someone the most. "And there she goes, racing towards the tallest tree. From far across the yellow field i hear him calling, "Follow me" There we go, wondering how the world might look from up so high!" You voice held power, telling of the time WHEN someone was there, WHAT caused you to go up, and WHAT happened. 

"One foot after the other

One branch then to another 

I climb higher and higher 

I climb til the entire sun shines on my face....

Then I suddenly feel the branch give way....

Im on the ground..

My arm goes numb" At this point, you voice is below a whisper, your words slowing down and taking in the silence as you continue softly.

 "I look around and i see her coming to get me...she's come to get me and everything's okay...." Feeling your lungs give out, you end your perfect day and sigh, letting out the tight feeling in your chest and notice you were gripping your cast the whole time. Your mouth dry but you drank all your water, you were about to ask for another cup when Kyoka's mother hugged you. "thank much...." 

You felt loved for once and you wanted to cherish this but who knew this love would go so wrong 


864 words! I know...ive been gone

for a long time I KNOW! But i have solid reasons as to why

1. Tho it is summer, i have work to do as in i have to write 2 essays and read 3 books and do a bunch of term stuff

2. Believe it or not, i have a life and  do other stuff for example, being forced to play Nintendo Land cuz my sister cant olay by herself

3. Procrastinating, i said before i have no schedule, i write when i feel like writing


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