Scorp and I

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As you all have noticed by now I am horrible at titling my stories so please don't judge the chapter by its title. We all know for a fact Rick Riordan is the best at titling chapters (I accidently vaporize my pre algebra teacher) Okay disclaimer time

Scorpious: Do we have to do this every time?

Rose: Yes you dimwit it means she's not taking credit for JK Rowling's work. Seriously how did you get into Ravenclaw?!

Me: Okay you two save it for the story I own no characters blah blah blah besides Aidan and Gwyn!

~Roses Pov~

Red everywhere

People dead in what looks like the great hall

A large sword with Gryffindor engraved

A small stone on the forest floor

My father, mum, and uncle standing on a bridge in front of Hogwarts

And a wand snapped and thrown over the cliff now flying and heeling itself landing in the woods

I jolt awake from a nightmare I hadn't had since I was a kid. Dad said it was rubbish that Uncle Harry had destroyed the elder wand and that it couldn't be the same wand. But it sure looked like the pictures in the history of magic books, and seemed to possess similar powers in my dreams. I hear a knock and a soft voice "Rose are you okay you were screaming" asks Caroline another Ravenclaw and one of my good friends. She was always checking on people having kindness that could have put her in Hufflepuff but she was very smart. "Caroline I'm fine you may come in if you would like." She enters her long dark brown hair swaying behind her and she looks at me closely with her light hazel eyes. Caroline is a halfblood daughter of Parvati Patil and a muggle Fred Smith (Sorry for her father's horrible name I couldn't come up with anything good) "You don't look so good I think I should walk you down to the hospital wing." She says in a matter of fact voice. "No Caroline I'm fine really I'm going down to madam Pomphrey later anyways ill tell her then." I reply not wanting to leave my bed at this point. "We have breakfast in ten minutes I'll see you there." "Okay bye Caroline!" Omg. I think remembering last night. I can't believe he kissed me. I can't deny that I have begun to have more than a small childlike crush. I loved him. As I turn and walk down the steps into the common room I see Scorpius walking down the stairs and walking towards me. "Good morning." He says brightly. "Don't think I've forgotten what you did last night I didn't say I didn't like it I actually did but we can discuss this after breakfast." I say this and turn on my heel flipping m bright red hair and walking towards the common room door. "Well at least you admitted liking it that means I can kiss you now without shocking you into a state of being paralyzed." I now know he waited to see my reaction after he seemingly left. "I only stood there for a minute it is quite hard to process when a boy kisses you if you don't currently have a boyfriend when it happened!" I say in exasperation. "Well Rose if you didn't have a boyfriend and you kissed a boy." He starts but I cut him off "I just said that" "Well Rose Weasley will you be my girlfriend?" he asks nervously. "Yes I will Scorp why were you so nervous?!" I say excitedly. "I don't know I thought you would say no." "SCORPIUS HYPERION MALFOY WHY WOULD I EVER SAY NO I HAVE LIKED YOU SINCE YOU KISSED ME IN THIRD YEAR I HAVE JUST BEEN TO CHICKEN TO TELL YOU!!!!" I practically scream at him as no one is around to hear it since everyone is at breakfast. "Did I seriously just admit that?" I gasp. "Yes you did and now you really can't escape from me" he says pulling me into a bone crushing hug. "Well there's one thing" I say pulling away gently. "My father cannot find out about this he would kill me." I tell Scorp frantically. "It's okay Rose we can keep us a secret until you convince your father I'm not as bad as he may think." He replies calming me down. "Good thank you for agreeing to that." I say happily but calmly. We start down to breakfast his hand cool against mine as we turn the corner near the great hall he drops my hand and looks at me. "Ready?" he asks. "Ready!" I reply. We enter to see my cousins rushing towards us the girls leading the group. "Omg Rose I can't believe Victoire is pregnant!!!!" This coming from Roxanne who has always had a soft spot for babies and is a seventh year. " Yes yes I know now lets try to have a decently calm breakfast as we all know now about our new family addition we can obsess over that later now I wanna go stuff some food in my face." I say brightly and happily joking and not at the same time with my cousins. "Wow Rosie you really do have Uncle Ron's appetite don't you?" "Yeah Yeah James I thought we established I was a pig when I was about three!!" I reply to his comment and smirk. We all head over to a table laughing and chatting. After about ten minutes Professor McGonagall stands up and claps her hands three times for silence and a hush overcomes the hall. "Attention all students we will be having the annual Yule ball for students in years 4-7 two nights before winter holiday. If you are in a younger grade you may attend by invite from an older student. Have a great time and I hope you all enjoy the rest of term. You are dismissed." She informs us as we all stand up to head towards class. I have double potions first with Albus and Gwyn. Aidan has class with us later but he has potions at the end of the day opposite of us. Walking into potions professor Finnigan (yes Aidan's dad) tells us to go ahead and take out our textbooks as we will be preparing a new potion today. God I hope this one turns out better than the last one. We all begin to work when Albus claims to need help finding his ingredients and he pulls me down under the desk to help him look for it. "Rose doesn't deny it I know there is something going on secretly between you two." He whispers. "But how di-" "Scorp has secretly been my best friend besides Aidan since second year when he helped me with Transfiguration. I know him better than he knows himself." He states in a matter of factly way. "Yes Scorp asked me out this morning and I said yes, but please don't tell anyone Al." I tell him defeated by my cousin. "I know I won't you know your dads gonna flip when he finds out." "I know but I guess he'll have to deal with it because Scorp is a great guy and you have to back me up because you know it." "Okkkkaaaaayyyyy i'll try and help you." "Thanks so much Al!" we get back up before anyone really suspects anything. The rest of potions flies past and soon we are all headed towards the tree in the front for our free period. "Um guys tell Aidan I'll see you after I have to go talk to someone about Herbology." "Okay see you Rose" they reply in unison. I find Scorp and he drags me up to an old hallway. "I really do love you Rose." He whispers and pulls me behind an old tapestry. "I love you too" I reply as he pulls me closer and kisses me. My hands go around his neck and his on my waist. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY COUSIN MALFOY!!!?" We jolt apart both of us blushing madly as an angry James potter comes into view. "WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE JAMES HE'S KISSING ME! IT'S PRETTY OBVIOUS I THINK!" I yell this turn on my heel and storm away not caring what James thinks I hear Scorpius running after me after about ten seconds. I run and run until I get to the lake in the woods and I sink to the ground sobbing.

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