Chapter 10: Eugene

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Jacks Pov

I got out of my boring calculus class and rushed straight to lunch and got my pizza! I found the guardians in the same lunch line and walked together to our table.

As usual, girls were giggling and waving at us while some guys winked at tooth and avoided gazes at us boys. They are smart to not mess with us. I saw Elsa and winked at her, but she didn't do anything. I'm not use to this behavior, normally girls will faint when I smile at them, but her and the girls she was sitting with didn't.

We sat down on our usual and chat about the play Mr.North made.

"Yeah, my dad spend most of his summer writing that story" Santa explained

"I can't wait to get the lead roll!" tooth giggled

"What makes you think your going to get it? you talk to much! and the Ellie character doesn't speak till like the mid-end" Aster laughed. tooth rolled her eyes

Sandy signed to me, asking if I'll audition "I'll probably try for Jackson, since his name is close to mine" I laughed.

"It's true love!" I heard Anna say to Elsa in her table, our table turned and wondered what was going on

"No, you can't just be in a relationship with someone you just met" Elsa didn't look to happy with her sister, just met? I do that all the time.

"Why not?!" she raised her voice standing up from her seat. the whole cafeteria noticed and listened to their argument

"Because you don't even know this boy, you don't know what true love is"

"I know more than you! all you know is how to shut people out!" she snapped, Elsa looked hurt. Anna just realized what she just said "Elsa, I'm sorry...i-I didn't mean to snap like that-" Elsa stopped her before she could finished

"No need, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to art class" she walked out with her food. Anna watched her leave

"Elsa! please don't be mad at me!" she begged. Elsa already left and Anna started crying sitting. what just happened? The noice around the cafeteria began to grow again

"Well that was awkward" Santa pointed out.

"Really was, that light blonde girl didn't seen too upset until that other girl pointed out that she shuts everyone out, have you even noticed that?" Aster asked me

"How should I know?" I asked

"Because you love her" Santa teased, tooth rolled her eyes stabbing her salad

"I do not, and I guess. she doesn't really talk and isn't really open with people. I guess that's what Anna meant by 'shutting people out'" I quote eating my pizza. Sandy signed at me "why should I go check up on her? she seems fine" he signed again "fine, I'll go" I sighed and ate my pizza in one bite and walked out the cafeteria.

I hate it how sandy always brings the good guy out of me. it's really annoying, but he's a cool guy. even if he is mute. I walked the halls looking for Elsa, she wasn't important to me so I didn't understand why Sandy would want me to go look for her.

I heard a loud slam on the lockers and turned the corner to see the one and only, Pitch Black pressing Elsa onto the locker. he was giving her that creepy smile everyone hates. what was he doing here!?

I ran over and punched him in the nose, sending him flying to the floor. I hid Elsa behind me and took out my staff to its original size and pointed it at him, ready to attack.

"Don't touch her!" I hissed at him. he laughed creepily and stood up

"Hello step brother" he grinned

Jelsa in high SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now