Chapter 23: Winter

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Jack's Pov

I shot up from my nightmare of Pitch trying to hurt Elsa... he mentioned her curse again, but what can it be?

I looked up and found myself laying on a couch, this isn't my house, who's- oh yeah, i took Elsa home and i guess i fell asleep, where is she anyways? and why does my face feel heavy!?

I looked down from the couch and saw Elsa giggling at me, she had makeup in her hands. could it be? i ran to a near by mirror and glanced at myself. my hair was tired in hundreds small pig tails, i had pink eye thingy, mascara, i think that what its called, pink blush, red lip stick, and i wore clip on earrings, oh my gosh!!

"Elsa!!" i yelled, she laughed and ran off to her room. i ran up to her and caught her by the waist, she continued to laugh as i smudged my face on her cheek to get rid of some of the makeup. I looked at her and her eyes were back to normal, her cheek was colorful now, i snatched off the clip on earrings and threw them behind me.

"You look lovely Mr.Frost" she giggled covering her mouth

"You'll pay for that" i fake glared at her. she faked glared back at me

"Come on, you know it was funny..." she looked down at my hands, i realize that i was still holding on her waist, i snatched my hands away and blushed. she laughed "go wash that off" i obeyed and washed my face up in the kitchen "second period is about to end, lets go back to school" she smiled pulling on my hoodie to the door

"Whoa! whoa! you sure you okay?" i asked, she stopped and looked at me

"You saw me smiling and running right?" she giggled "lets go! i lost enough school days!" she dragged me out the door with both our bags. she stopped at the porch and gasped. she gave me my backpack and walked towards the yard, she looked amazed, so was i actually "t-the suns out!!" she laughed gibbly "the suns out! the suns out!!" she ran and attacked hugged me

"Yeah, the suns out, why does that make you so happy? do you not like snow?" i laughed

"Don't get me wrong, i love snow! but the suns out! that means it'll melt after so long!!" she jumped then yanked on my hand again "lets go!!" we raced back to school, i couldn't help but laugh at her behavior, did we really just stay in her house for two hours? odd...

We made it to school before the bell to 3rd period rang, Elsa faced me "thank you again for what you did Mr.Frost, i do owe you one" she smiled

"I don't even call you princess anymore and your still calling me Mr.Frost?" I laughed. she rolled her eyes

"Whatever, i got calculus now, bye-bye!" she ran off. i laughed and walked to hockey class.

Elsa's Pov

"Omg! you didn't come to second period today! Rapunzel told me you went home with Jack! are you feeling okay now?" Anna freaked in the cafeteria with her mouth full

"Manners" i told her, she covered her mouth and ate her food "thank you... and yes, I'm a lot better! And guess what! the sun is out!" i laughed excitedly

Anna gasped "really!? thats great!!" she hugged my shoulders then let go quickly.

"Why is it a big deal if the suns out?" Merida asked, everyone except for her and Hiccup laughed awkwardly

"The sun is a great thing! why not be excited over it!?" Rapunzel excused.

"Ok?" i looked over at the guardians table, the boys were grinning, i flinched at the surprise. why were they grinning at me? tooth, on the other hand was avoiding my gaze and stared at her phone.

"Oh! so Elsa!" Rapunzel called, i looked over to her "i finished most of your costumes!"

"What? but the play isn't till in April" i pointed out

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