Chapter Six

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Harry’s POV

“Hullo, Marge,” I greeted the grey haired, ancient receptionist.

“Hello, Harold,” she rasped in response, her double chin wriggling slightly as she spoke.

“How are you today?” I asked, trying to avoid staring at the enormous mole right beneath her lips.

She just grunted in response as she waddled over to her computer; she booted it up and scrolled through today’s appointments. “It’s not me you should be concerned about…” she wheezed, looking at me meaningfully over her horn rimmed spectacles when she finally found my appointment. “What you’ve got in store for today, well, it’s not pleasant at all.”

“I’d rather not think about it…” I muttered.

She looked at me with might be sympathy, but it was hard to tell because her mouth was the sort that was always set in a firm scowl. And any sort of emotion she conveyed was skewed by that scowl.

“The doctor will be with you in a few minutes,” she said, glancing back at the computer screen.

“Tell him to take as much time as he needs…I’m in no rush to get started,” I replied, walking away and plopping down in a chair.

            “Ready?” I heard Louis’ voice say.

            We were sitting in the bus only a few minutes from the location of our gig tonight. I was near a window and was looking out of it, lost in my thoughts.






            “Huh?” I mumbled, looking around confusedly as I was finally pulled out of my trance.

            “I have been talking to you for like the last five minutes!” Louis said, glaring at me furiously.

            “Oh, what have you been saying?” I muttered.

            “Nevermind, it wasn’t really important. I was trying to have a conversation with my best mate, but he clearly doesn’t care to talk to me,” Louis huffed as he got up and stormed off to our room.

            I knew his anger was justified; I had hardly spoken to him in a week, ever since the dream incident. But it’s not like it’s only him. I haven’t spoken to anyone really, but I’ve talked to him the least and he’s obviously noticed.

            “What’s going on between you and Louis?” Niall asked, plopping down beside me munching on a bag of chips.

             “Nothing,” I replied flatly.

            “I don’t mean like in a romantic way! I’m just curious why you lads haven’t been talking is all!” Niall practically shouted at me as he cheeks flushed a deep red. 

            What’s got him all worked up?

            “I just haven’t had anything to say,” I lied.

            I’ve had tons to say, I just haven’t had the guts to actually say anything.

            “And Louishasn’t had anything to say either? That’s unlike him. And that’s unlike you too. You guys never shut up, especially when you’re together!” Niall said skeptically.

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