Chapter Sixteen

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              Okay, so this chapter is really short, but this is the first Niall POV, so that's pretty exciting...

              Niall’s POV

            “Where have you lads been?” I asked with a huge grin as Louis and Harry strolled into the hotel lobby with beaming smiles and pink cheeks. They had their arms linked like they always do and something about the familiar action made me grin even wider.

            “Hi, Ni!” Harry and Louis replied in unison, waving spastically at me.

            “We went to the park!” Louis announced with a giddy grin.

            “That sounds nice,” I said wistfully. “I bet it was a really fun date.” And that’s when it struck me: Liam has never taken me on a date! That bastard. But then again I suppose it goes both ways…I haven’t asked him on a date either…

            “It was the best date I’ve ever been on,” Harry whispered, drawing closer to Louis and pulling him into a kiss. Oh god, I hope Liam and I never get like that. PDA is NOT my style. But it would be nice if he acknowledged our relationship outside of the bedroom at least a little… I mean it’s like we live in two separate worlds, lovey-dovey bedroom world and then just-mates everywhere else world. And it’s not like this only happens when we are out and about in front of the press. Oh no, it’s pretty much all the time…even when we are only around the lads! I have to initiate everything…it gets so tiresome. Sometimes I wish he would just man up and take complete control. Niall could use some rough lovin’. Wait what the fuck am I saying; did I seriously just think that thought? Dear god.

Ugh, I just wish he would show me that he really wants me. Or at least take me on a god damn date. I know that we are keeping our relationship a secret from management and…well…the whole world, but still I mean two blokes going out to dinner alone at a nice restaurant isn’t that weird…

            Okay maybe that’d be a little weird…but I mean he could take me to a movie or something! Anything really, I just need to know that we’re on the same page with our relationship. I know he kept insisting that we come out during that meeting with Simon, but I think that was just the heat of the moment; he had never acted like that or even made a mention of us coming out before.

            Oh Liam, can’t you just make this simple like Louis and Harry? There’s no bullshit in their relationship. They just love each other; there are no stupid games or misunderstandings. And if they have a misunderstanding they always talk it out, they don’t try to keep things secret and they hardly try to conceal their relationship. Liam almost seems embarrassed to be with me… Alright that’s it.

            I stormed over to the elevator, ignoring Harry and Louis’ confused exclamations of “Niall where are you going?” from behind me. I smashed my finger into the call elevator button and tapped my foot impatiently as I awaited its arrival.

            Finally, it arrived and I stomped inside, hands clenched in angry fists. I punched the 7th floor button and leaned against the wall, fuming, as the lift slowly hummed up to my floor.

            The elevator dinged and the doors slowly slid apart. Immediately I sprinted to our room and began pounding on the door with all my might. I had the room key on me, but I relished in the thought of him being forced to get up and let me in. I heard slow footsteps and finally the door creaked open slightly. Liam poked his head out and peered at me with glazed eyes, I must have woken him from a nap. My anger slightly faded at that fact, but then I remembered my intentions and it flooded back.

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