Chapter Twenty-Four

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I know it’s short; I’m sorry, but at least you know what happens to Louis! And sorry…I kinda leave you with another cliffhanger………………..        

              Harry’s POV

            “Mr. Styles, I wish that you would just allow the surgery, it could save your life!” The doctor said with pleading eyes.

            “No, I don’t want the surgery,” I replied, slowly shaking my head. There’s no point in it; even if I survive I wouldn’t want to live anymore. Louis hates me so much that…I don’t think he’d ever forgive me, and I can’t live without him.

            “As you wish,” the doctor mumbled resentfully, bowing his head as he exited the room.

            It’s funny to think that the doctor and I used to have such a kind relationship before I was transferred here. I can hardly remember what it was like to communicate with people before I left Louis. Ever since that day I’ve barely spoken to anyone without being forced into a conversation.

            Louis, I hope you’re better off than I am.

            Louis’ POV

            “Will he be alright?” A familiar Irish voice demanded.

            I opened my eyes ever so slightly to see Niall looking disheveled with an extremely distressed expression. I tried to stifle my laughter but was unsuccessful. Niall’s head snapped towards me when the sound reached his ears and a huge grin spread across his face.

            “LOUIS!!!” He screamed as he charged over to me.

            “Woah woah, stop, don’t touch him!” The nurse shouted as Niall prepared himself to pounce on top of me. Niall halted in his tracks and swiveled around to look at her in confusion. “He just got hit by a car; he needs time to recover before you jump on him!” She explained frantically.

            “Oh,” Niall muttered, staring at the ground sheepishly. “I forgot…”

            “It’s alright, just be careful,” she replied, eyeing him nervously.

            “I will, I promise!” Niall grinned as he inched closer to me. “How are you feeling, mate?”

            “Never better,” I croaked, rolling my eyes at him.

            “You are extremely lucky to be alive, Mr. Tomlinson; there was extensive damage to your body,” the woman chimed in not unpleasantly.

            Niall looked at me with his grin that was just as brilliant as ever. I couldn’t resist smiling back at him; something I hadn’t done in over a month. The muscles in my face resisted the unfamiliar movement at first, but finally the corners of my lips curled up into a sheepish grin.

            “It’s so good to see you smile again,” Niall whispered so that the woman wouldn’t overhear.

            “It seems you’re in good hands, Mr. Tomlinson, I’ll leave you two alone,” the woman said with a smirk as she sauntered out of the room.

            “Did she just imply that she thinks we’re together?” I asked, chuckling as I looked at Niall in disbelief.

            “I think so!” Niall replied, bursting into loud barks of laughter.

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