Chapter Seventeen

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            Harry’s POV

            “Well that was odd…” I muttered as I watched Niall stomp off and into the lift.

            “Really odd…” Louis agreed, slowly nodding his head. “Wonder what’s gotten into him?

            “Not sure…” I replied. It’s not normal for Niall to get quiet like that and then just stomp off. It’s really, really odd. I hope he’s alright… “Maybe we should go check on him… You know make sure he’s alright…?”

            “Nah, I’m sure he’s fine,” Louis shrugged as he slung his arm around my shoulders and planting a kiss on my temple. “Besides he seemed like he wanted to be alone anyway.”

            “Yeah, you’re right, if he wanted to talk to us about it he wouldn’t have stormed off like that,” I nodded.

            “So what shall we do now, love?” Louis murmured in my ear.

            “Go bug Zayn?” I offered with a smile.

            “Go bug Zayn,” Louis agreed with a grin, snatching my hand in his and sprinting towards the elevator.

            “What do you want?” An irritated Zayn grumbled as he swung his door open. He was shirtless, as was his typical lounging style.

            “Why do you say it like that? You make us feel unwanted,” Louis replied in mock-hurt.

            “Yeah, I guess we’ll just have to think twice before we go and check up on our friend!” I added, clutching at my heart with a grin.

            Zayn just rolled his eyes and stepped out of the way, allowing us entry to the mysterious Zayn Cave. Usually no one bothers Zayn when he’s in his room, whether it’s on the bus or in a hotel, if Zayn went to his room it usually means: fuck off. But today Louis and I were in such a good mood that we didn’t care about Zayn and his antisocial habits; we just wanted to annoy him.

            “So what’s the haps?” I asked, plopping down on his bed.

            “Mmm nothing much, just hanging out…” Zayn replied, scratching the back of his neck with a yawn.

            “My, my you have such an interesting life Zayny-boy,” Louis chuckled as he flopped down beside me.

            “Well I never!” Zayn gasped mockingly.

            “You really should get out more, mate; ever since Cassandra left you all you’ve done is trap yourself in your room,” Louis said sincerely.

            I looked over at him in surprise. Sure, Louis and I had discussed it, but I’m not sure it’s the best idea to bring it up to Zayn. Yeah they broke up like three months ago but he dated her for quite a while…it takes time to mend.

            “Yeah, I know,” Zayn sighed.

            This conversation was already full of surprises; that was definitely not the reaction that I expected Zayn to have. When did he get so chill about this topic?

            “Seeing all of you lads so happy in your relationships is making me realize how dumb I’ve been for just lurking in my room all alone…” Zayn muttered, avoiding our eyes.

            “Oh Zayn, I don’t think it’s that bad that you’ve been sad. You don’t have to find someone new the day after you get out of a relationship!” I said, running up to Zayn and pulling him into a tight hug.

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