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Driving for four hours has Cobie Alexander Deckard feeling like one of the zombies from The Walking Dead and he doesn't like the feeling. He lets out a loud yawn as he pulls into the driveway of the two storey building he just recently bought. He let out another yawn as he shuts off his engine, he leans back against his seat and stared up at the pure white building in front of him which will double as his veterinary clinic at the bottom and his home on the top.

The bottom floor had floor length windows and he could see the huge desk sitting at the centre from where he was parked outside the building while the top floor was designed with Victorian windows with empty flower pots hanging on one of the window sill.

Moving to Astir, the home of the Silver Moon was not a decision made on a whim. It was done after carefully a lot consideration. He had been staying in New York and had been staying there for three years when he mistakenly slipped up and someone saw. It didn't take long for the news to spread thanks to the internet and mostly twitter.

Cobie got out of his car and made his way to the trunk of his car to pull out his box. He always packs light just in case something like the New York Incident happens again. He pulls the keys to the building from his pocket and makes his way to the door, cool breeze playing with and ruffling up his fringe much to his irritation. Inside the building was dusty and he's partially scared to see what the top floor looks like but all in all, it's something a couple hours of cleaning can't solve but first things first.

He spins around to check for a paper or cardboard of some kind, letting out an aha! when he finds a white cardboard on the ground, he taps his pockets until he remembered the sharpie he kept at his back pocket and with the black sharpie, he preceded to write. Help Needed!  and underneath it he writes, Now Hiring! and crosses out the help needed and gently hangs it next to one of the floor length windows.

"Home sweet home." Cobie whispers to himself, receiving no reply in return. He wrestles his bag upstairs whilst trying his best not to stir up and dust. The top floor was in a better condition than the bottom, the floors were cleaner but it wouldn't hurt to open the windows and that was the first thing he did.

The entire flat was an open floor plan with the sitting room at the middle, his bedroom to the right along with two locked doors, kitchen to the left and with a small door leading to the balcony.  Simple yet lovely. Cobie finds his closet behind one of the closed doors but couldn't start hanging up his clothes yet due to the dust so he decides to get help instead.

He placed his box next to the mattress and makes is way out of the apartment, down the stairs and out of the building. He locks it and takes a cab to the nearest coffee shop. If he was going to survive the next week, he was going to need a lot of caffeine.

"You are new here?" the cabbie asks and Cobie finds himself nodding in reply.

"Do you need anything?"

Astir, population sixty thousand and counting, its popular tourist attraction was the Silver Moon which happens every third month of every year. Its Mayor was Erik Tomlinson, a man in his late twenties. Cobie had read up important things about the fact and had also found out the town was friendly and treated each other like they were family. He hadn't believed that but right now, sitting at the back of the cab with Bruno Mars singing about finesse floating through the speaker and a cabbie smiling at him through the rear view mirror, he was starting to believe it.

"There's an insane amount of dust everywhere and I need help cleaning it." Cobie tells the older gentleman.

"There a cleaning service a few blocks from here, should I take you there instead?" The Cabbie asks and Cobie lights up in excitement. He reaches forward to touch the older man's shoulder and smiled brightly at him.

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